Podcast Digital Impact “Successfully integrating usability and UX” |
13.02.2025 |
Welcome Daniel Faisst |
13.02.2025 |
New Publication in ACM TIIS: MALACHITE - Enabling Users to Teach GUI-Aware Natural Language Interfaces |
13.02.2025 |
Talk by Tuure Tuunanen from University of Jyväskylä: “Applying Echeloned Design Science Methodology in Practice – Design Principles for a Coopetitive News Platform” |
13.02.2025 |
New Publication in Electronic Markets: Engaging Citizen Scientists: Designing an Open Research System for Collaborative Problem Exploration |
13.02.2025 |
Industry Talk “Information Systems in Practice: Insight into the msg group“ by Dr. Frank Schlottman |
05.02.2025 |
Industry Talk “Digitalization in Automotive – Rethinking Automotive in the Digital Age” by Porsche |
17.01.2025 |
“Now it gets personal” – Interview with Prof. Mädche in the magazine of the Health Knowledge Foundation |
17.01.2025 |
Industry Talk “Beyond Time: Smartwatch Research & Insights” by Matthew Pateman (Google) |
15.01.2025 |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year |
20.12.2024 |
Welcome Martin Feick |
10.12.2024 |
Welcome Anna Sommer |
06.12.2024 |
Successful PhD defense by Julia Seitz |
06.12.2024 |
Tenure-Track-Professorship (W1) “Information Systems II - Digital Platforms & Services” |
27.11.2024 |
New Publication “"Mirror, mirror in the call": Exploring the Ambivalent Nature of the Self-view in Video Meeting Systems with Self-Reported & Eye-Tracking Data” |
18.11.2024 |
Talk by Gernot Müller-Putz from TU Graz: “EEG - a universal tool for neuroscientific research” |
06.11.2024 |
New Job Opportunity: Working Student Position in Collaborative Research Project with EnBW AG |
06.11.2024 |
Handover of three IS Scholarships funded by Schwarz IT |
14.10.2024 |
Welcome Chiara Krisam |
14.10.2024 |
Tenure-Track-Professorship (W1) “Information Systems II - Digital Energy Markets” |
07.10.2024 |
Successful PhD defense by Jonas Gunklach |
30.09.2024 |
Learning AI with AI: The WeLearnAI Bot |
09.09.2024 |
Welcome Sandra Müller |
06.09.2024 |
Successful PhD defense by Sven Scheu |
05.09.2024 |
MuC 2024 and UIG Symposium 2024 programs now online! |
05.08.2024 |
New Job Opportunity: Doctoral Student Position “Digital Networking Platforms” in cooperation between KIT and CAS Software AG |
05.08.2024 |
Researchers Get-Together |
31.07.2024 |
Merlin Knaeble receives Science Prize 2023 |
26.07.2024 |
ABBA Summer School Seminar on Biosignal-Adaptive GenAI Systems: 23.09.2024 – 25.09.2024 |
26.07.2024 |
New B.Sc. Lecture: Enterprise Systems for Financial Accounting and Controlling |
26.07.2024 |
Final Presentations of Capstone Project: Designing Sustainable Development Applications |
16.07.2024 |
Welcome Bella Tadson |
16.07.2024 |
Successful Completion of the Designing Interactive Systems Capstone Project with EnBW |
08.07.2024 |
Invitation to participate in the research study “Emotional Watchface” |
05.07.2024 |
Participation at KI Festival in Heilbronn |
05.07.2024 |
Brain Bites Talk at Real:Labor Festival on July 3rd |
21.06.2024 |
Exchange with Cognitive Systems Engineering Lab from the University of Tokyo |
21.06.2024 |
STAMMTISCH | mensch.digital at Triangel | AI Assistants for Reading Support: Discover the future of reading on June 26th at 6 PM |
19.06.2024 |
ECIS 2024 Best Short Paper Award Second Runner Up |
18.06.2024 |
Industry Talk “Using Conversational AI and LLM to Improve Customer Service at Allianz Germany” |
07.06.2024 |
DESRIST 2024 Best Paper Award |
07.06.2024 |
Industry Talk “AI-driven Design” by Tiffany Knearem, PhD (Google) |
07.06.2024 |
Wirtschaftsinformatik: Einführung und Grundlegung –Textbook published at SpringerGabler |
03.06.2024 |
STAMMTISCH | mensch.digital at Triangel | Personalization in the job search on Mai 29th 6 PM |
23.05.2024 |
New Doctoral Student: Niklas Heyden |
23.05.2024 |
Industry Talk “SAP S/4HANA Project Experience in Finance & Controlling” by Dr. Christian Fleig (Lídl) |
14.05.2024 |
Call for Applications: Information Systems Scholarship 2024/25 |
10.05.2024 |
Participation at the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2024 |
22.04.2024 |
STAMMTISCH | mensch.digital at Triangel | Citizens on Board on April 24th 6 PM |
19.04.2024 |
Team Project wins 2nd Prize of the Data Excellence Talent Award |
19.04.2024 |
New Publication: Cognitive state detection with eye tracking in the field: an experience sampling study and its lessons learned |
17.04.2024 |
New Publication in BISE: Hybrid Adaptive Systems |
17.04.2024 |
B.Sc. Lecture: Foundations of Interactive Systems with Design Capstone Project on Sustainability with SAP SE |
12.04.2024 |
STAMMTISCH mensch.digital at Triangel | On the way to emotion-adaptive smartwatches |
26.03.2024 |
New Job Opportunity: Doctoral Student Position (f/m/d) “AI for Sustainability PhD Project” in cooperation with SAP SE |
22.03.2024 |
New Publication in BISE: Open Science – Towards Greater Transparency and Openness in Science |
06.03.2024 |
Open Position: Public Relations & Communications for “wir-forschen.digital” |
04.03.2024 |
Apps for the Future! Design Workshop at Girls’ Day on April 25th 2024 |
28.02.2024 |
Roland Berger Foundation honors bachelor's thesis of Johannes Mietz |
27.02.2024 |
Between Risk and Security: Shaping the Digital Transformation: Lectures & Workshop at ZKM on Feb 15th |
15.02.2024 |
Stammtisch - mensch.digital at Triangel | AI on the phone - how do voicebots work and where do they make sense? |
09.02.2024 |
Finalization of BIS Capstone Project with Porsche: AI-Based Demand Forecasting |
05.02.2024 |
Visit & Talk of Shadan Sadeghian from University of Siegen |
02.02.2024 |
Successful Completion of the Engineering Interactive Systems Capstone Project in cooperation with ABB |
02.02.2024 |
Successful PhD defense by Saskia Haug |
30.01.2024 |
Industry Talk: Ulrich Coenen, Co-CEO and Head of Digital Banking at Atruvia AG |
23.01.2024 |
Stammtisch - mensch.digital at Triangel | Adaptive ChatGPT-based Assistants |
23.01.2024 |
Science Lounge at experimenta on Citizen Science |
15.01.2024 |
Industry Talk: Thomas Kusterer, CFO & Member of the Board of Management EnBW AG |
15.01.2024 |
New Job Opportunity: Doctoral Student Position “Open Science for Hybrid Adaptive Systems” |
12.01.2024 |
Call for Participation “UIG Symposium 2024” – Human and AI |
05.01.2024 |
Call for Papers ”Mensch und Computer 2024” |
05.01.2024 |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year |
18.12.2023 |
Dr. Ulrich Gnewuch joins University of Passau as Deputy Professor |
18.12.2023 |
Industry Talk “Digitalization in Automotive” by Porsche |
18.12.2023 |
Industry Talk by workday Inc. |
18.12.2023 |
Industry Talk “Business Intelligence & Analytics @ Atruvia” |
08.12.2023 |
New Job Opportunity: Research Assistant Position “Business Intelligence & Analytics Systems” in cooperation between EnBW AG and KIT |
28.11.2023 |
New Junior Researcher: Simon Rapp |
17.11.2023 |
It’s not rocket science: Achieve Accessibility together! |
14.11.2023 |
New Project: Mittelstand-Digital Center Focus Human |
08.11.2023 |
New Publication in IJHCS: The Impact of Video Meeting Systems on Psychological User States: A State-of-the-Art Review |
07.11.2023 |
Handover of three IS Scholarships funded by Schwarz IT |
06.11.2023 |
Participation at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2023 |
03.11.2023 |
New Team Member: Adrian Wegener |
20.10.2023 |
It’s not rocket science: Eye-Contact in Video Conferences |
17.10.2023 |
It’s not rocket science: Data Citizens in the Smart City |
17.10.2023 |
New Job Opportunity: Research Assistant Position “Open Science” in cooperation between CAS Software AG and KIT |
29.09.2023 |
h-lab - Google Workshop |
29.09.2023 |
Bachelor Award for Katharina Jacob |
27.09.2023 |
KD2School meets Google |
19.09.2023 |
Mensch and Computer (MuC) 2024 Conference at KIT Karlsruhe |
08.09.2023 |
New Publication in ISR: “More than a Bot? The Impact of Disclosing Human Involvement on Customer Interactions with Hybrid Service Agents” |
05.09.2023 |
New Job Opportunity: Post Doc Position in Information Systems and Human-Computer Interaction, esp. Personalization and Adaptive Systems |
18.08.2023 |
Forthcoming Publication in MISQ: What Disrupts Flow in Office Work? A NeuroIS Study on the Impact of Frequency and Relevance of IT-Mediated Interruptions |
10.08.2023 |
New Publication in SN Applied Sciences: Biosignals meet Adaptive Systems |
10.08.2023 |
Successful PhD defense by Merlin Knäble |
28.07.2023 |
Successful Completion of the Designing Interactive Systems Capstone Project “Where and how can generative AI language models, such as ChatGPT, be used @ EnBW?” |
28.07.2023 |
Final Presentations: Digital Citizen Science Seminar “Sustainable Work & Life” |
19.07.2023 |
Final Presentation of Capstone Project in Foundations of Interactive Systems Lecture |
18.07.2023 |
Kick-off of the "AI Alliance Baden-Württemberg" – Data Platforms |
21.07.2023 |
ACM News: Buddying Up to AI – Interview with Dr. Ulrich Gnewuch |
12.07.2023 |
New Team Member: Till Carlo Schelhorn |
08.07.2023 |
Participation at MuC 2023 |
06.07.2023 |
New Publication in ACM TiiS: Does this Explanation help? Designing Local Model-agnostic Explanation Representations and an Experimental Evaluation using Eye-Tracking Technology |
12.07.2023 |
Industry Talk “Natural Language User Interfaces with Microsoft Azure” |
27.06.2023 |
Respeak develops chatbot-based Tatort game |
19.06.2023 |
Participation at “Plattform Lernende Systeme” conference in Berlin |
14.06.2023 |
WDR Youtube Quarks Channel reports on Flow Research |
30.05.2023 |
Successful PhD defense by Miguel Angel Meza Martínez |
30.05.2023 |
Call for Applications: Information Systems Scholarship 2023/24 |
11.05.2023 |
Successful PhD defense by Michael Gau |
11.05.2023 |
Girls Day @ h-lab: Apps for the future! |
11.05.2023 |
Website Launch: The UIG e.V. seal “Nutzerzentriert entwickelt” |
04.05.2023 |
Accessibility Challenge Judges‘ Award |
04.05.2023 |
Designing Interactive Systems: M.Sc. Lecture |
25.04.2023 |
Foundations of Interactive Systems: B.Sc. Lecture |
25.04.2023 |
AutoChemplete - STEM Accessibility Project: W4A Publication & Open Source Availability |
25.04.2023 |
Participation at ECIS 2023 |
17.04.2023 |
New Project funded by investBW: WeLearnAI in cooperation respeak GmbH |
17.04.2023 |
BISE Special Issue on the „Home Office” published |
17.04.2023 |
Capstone Projects on Generative AI Language Models in Elective Lectures |
17.04.2023 |
i-com Special Issue on „Conversational Agents” published |
17.04.2023 |
New Team Member: Leon Ramón Hanschmann |
17.04.2023 |
Participation at Event Series “Wissenschaftsfestival Effekte” |
04.04.2023 |
Successful PhD defense by Marcel Ruoff |
28.03.2023 |
Participatory Campaign: "Sustainable Life & Work? Challenge accepted!" |
27.03.2023 |
Learn to learn with the amsl.app! |
20.03.2023 |
Apps for the Future! Design Workshop at Girls’ Day on April 27th 2023 |
17.03.2023 |
Call for Contributions: UIG Symposium 2023 |
07.03.2023 |
Participation at CHI 2023 |
07.03.2023 |
Full Professor (W3) in Information Systems |
06.03.2023 |
New Job Opportunity in cooperation with Commerz Business Consulting |
02.03.2023 |
New Job Opportunity in “Human-in-the-Loop for Data Platforms” |
22.02.2023 |
Industry Talk: Dr. Karsten Schlageter, CEO ABO Wind AG |
13.02.2023 |
Successful Completion of the Business Intelligence Systems Capstone Project in cooperation with Bosch |
03.02.2023 |
Alexander Maedche joins MISQ Editorial Board |
30.01.2023 |
New Publication in Psychology & Marketing: Brand Placements in Video Games: How local in-game experiences influence brand attitudes |
30.01.2023 |
New Team Member: Elias Müller |
20.01.2023 |
It’s not rocket science: Crowdsourcing feedback |
20.01.2023 |
New Team Member: Kirsten Greiner |
20.01.2023 |
New Publication in JAIS: Designing Conversational Dashboards for Effective Use in Crisis Response |
13.01.2023 |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year |
19.12.2022 |
Industry Talk: Thomas Kusterer, CFO & Member of the Board of Management EnBW AG |
19.12.2022 |
It’s not rocket science: Computers understand emotions - curse or blessing: How do we feel about it? |
16.12.2022 |
Industry Talk: Florian Riedl, SVP Digitalization & Customer Processes at EnBW AG |
16.12.2022 |
New Publication in IJHCS: Ladderbot - A Conversational Agent for Human-like Online Laddering Interviews |
16.12.2022 |
It’s not rocket science: Accessibility in MINT |
14.11.2022 |
New Publication in JMIR MHealth UHealth: “Validity of Chatbot Use for Mental Health Assessment: Experimental Study” |
03.11.2022 |
World Usability Day in Karlsruhe “Mental Health” |
02.11.2022 |
Closing Colloquium of the digilog@bw project |
02.11.2022 |
Two Papers published in the Proceedings of ACM Human Computer Interaction (CSCW-2022) |
25.10.2022 |
Participation at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2022 |
25.10.2022 |
New Job opportunity in “AI-based Process & Large Language Models“ in the research group! |
10.10.2022 |
Successful Completion of the Designing Interactive Systems Capstone Project “Digital Nearshoring Life Cycle” @ EnBW |
26.09.2022 |
UIG Symposium 2022 “Inclusion affects us all!“ |
16.09.2022 |
Participation at Mensch und Computer 2022 |
16.09.2022 |
Closing event of the MeKIDI project |
14.09.2022 |
Mario Nadj appointed as Assistant Professor of “Business & Information Systems Engineering” at TU Dortmund |
07.09.2022 |
Successful PhD defense by Sven Michalczyk |
19.08.2022 |
Citizen Workshop “Transparent Forecasting Systems“ | 16.8., 5-6 PM |
09.08.2022 |
New Publication in BISE: “Multiexperience” |
09.08.2022 |
Computerwoche article about the research project MeKIDI |
22.07.2022 |
Successful PhD defense by Nico Loewe |
22.07.2022 |
Final Presentation: Home Office Design Seminar |
22.07.2022 |
New Project: EXPLORE-AI! in cooperation with EnBW AG and Respeak GmbH |
11.07.2022 |
Industry Talk by elaboratum GmbH in our Lecture “Designing Interactive Systems” |
11.07.2022 |
Eye-based Interactive Systems meet Media Art |
01.07.2022 |
Special Issue on “Conversational Agents“ in the Journal of Interactive Media (i-com) |
01.07.2022 |
Franziska Schneider at bachelor lecture "Foundations of Interactive Sytems (FOIS)" |
29.06.2022 |
New Publication in BISE: “Opposing Effects of Response Time in Human-Chatbot Interaction – The Moderating Role of Prior Experience” |
24.06.2022 |
New Job opportunity in “Crowd & Collaboration Platforms“ in the research group! |
07.06.2022 |
Participate and win at wir-forschen.digital |
01.06.2022 |
Participation at NeuroIS Retreat 2022 |
01.06.2022 |
Moritz Langner receives Ernst-Blickle-Study Price of SEW Eurodrive Foundation |
11.05.2022 |
Participation at CHI 2022 |
29.04.2022 |
[Lecture DIS] Designing Interactive Systems with Capstone Project |
20.04.2022 |
New joint research project with Robert Bosch GmbH on "Explainable Business Intelligence & Analytics" |
20.04.2022 |
Participatory Campaign: "Home office? Challenge accepted!" |
11.04.2022 |
Teaching Offers Summer 2022 |
01.04.2022 |
Home Office Design Seminar: Digital Citizen Science |
08.03.2022 |
Workshop for “Emotions in Organizations” at ISRE in Los Angeles |
08.03.2022 |
Computerwoche Article about joint KIT-EnBW project on Explainable AI |
07.03.2022 |
Successful Project Completion: WorkLifeSens – Designing Sensor-based Worklife Assistance Systems |
01.03.2022 |
DSR Buddy: A Conversational Agent Supporting Design Science Research Activities |
01.03.2022 |
Joint Project with City of Karlsruhe finalized: Data-driven Analysis of "KarlsBot" |
18.02.2022 |
Business Intelligence Systems Capstone Project 2022 with the Robert Bosch GmbH (WS2021/22) |
18.02.2022 |
New Research Topic Launched: Emotion-adaptive Systems for Hybrid Work & Learning |
11.02.2022 |
Digiloglounge @ ZKM: Play the eye-based version of “Where is Waldo?” |
02.02.2022 |
Best Reviewer Award at ICIS 2021 |
28.01.2022 |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year |
22.12.2021 |
Chatbots as our new therapists? Florian Onur Kuhlmeier featured in an ARD documentary about chatbots |
17.12.2021 |
Paper accepted for publication in the journal Computers in Human Behavior (CHB) |
03.12.2021 |
Industry Talk by Christopher McLachlan |
03.12.2021 |
Design Practices@Microsoft – Industry Talk by Filip Grgic |
03.12.2021 |
New Project to Strengthen AI Competencies of Students: ABBA |
01.12.2021 |
Respeak in Start-Up BW Elevator Pitch Finals! |
22.11.2021 |
How AI supports employees: Interview with Prof. Mädche in Computerwoche |
12.11.2021 |
Invitation to participate in a research study: Flow Up yourself – Self-optimize yourself based on individual flow insights from the FlowApp |
12.11.2021 |
New Job Opportunity in the research group ISSD! |
10.11.2021 |
Invitation to the MeKIDI half-time event |
15.10.2021 |
New Team Member: Jonas Gunklach |
15.10.2021 |
Participation at ICIS 2021 |
11.10.2021 |
New Team Member: Julia Seitz |
11.10.2021 |
Successful PhD defense by Ivo Benke |
06.10.2021 |
Usability in Germany Conference 2021 „How to practice UX in medium-sized businesses sector“ |
06.10.2021 |
Participation at MuC 2021 |
15.09.2021 |
Our Teaching Offering in WS 2021/2022 |
14.09.2021 |
Successful completion of Designing Interactive Systems Capstone Project “Future of Work@EnBW” |
09.09.2021 |
Digital Citizen Science – Well-being@Home: Cooperation between City of Karlsruhe, KTG Karlsruhe Tourism GmbH, and KIT |
09.09.2021 |
New Student Assistant Opportunities in the research group ISSD! |
09.09.2021 |
EXIST startup funding for respeak |
06.09.2021 |
What happens in the MeKIDI project? |
06.09.2021 |
MyResearchChallenge digital |
05.08.2021 |
Participation at DESRIST 2021 |
05.08.2021 |
The eighth "Usability in Germany (UIG)" conference will take place on September 23, 2021 in a digital format. The conference´s theme is: "How to practice UX in medium-sized businesses sector!" |
02.08.2021 |
Open PhD Position at KD2School: Eye-based Coordination in Virtual Teams |
14.07.2021 |
Successful PhD defense by Jasper Feine |
09.07.2021 |
Successful PhD defense by Tim Rietz |
09.07.2021 |
Participation at ECIS 2021 |
07.07.2021 |
Best Demo Paper Award at CAISE 2021 |
07.07.2021 |
Research Project in Cooperation with BASF SE |
07.07.2021 |
Experimental research in cutting-edge lab environments @ KD2School Apply now for the new PhD program at KIT and the Universities of Bremen and Giessen |
01.07.2021 |
New Team Member: Felix Kretzer |
09.06.2021 |
New Team Member: Moritz Langner |
07.06.2021 |
New Team Member: Florian Onur Kuhlmeier |
27.05.2021 |
Paper accepted for publication at the Journal of Association for Information Systems (JAIS) |
26.05.2021 |
Workshop Wellbeing at Home |
19.05.2021 |
Project Kern successfully completed |
19.05.2021 |
BISE Special Issue - Home Office: Working from a Private Place |
05.05.2021 |
Research Alliance ForDigital successfully completed |
25.03.2021 |
Successful Completion of Chatlog-Data Analysis Project with Smart Data Innovation Lab |
18.03.2021 |
Open Position: Digital Citizen Science |
10.03.2021 |
New Topic “Information Systems and Digital Ecosystems“ at KIT-Center KCIST |
26.02.2021 |
Final presentations of Practical Seminar “Digital Service Design" (WS2020/21) |
24.02.2021 |
Business Intelligence Systems Capstone Project with the Robert Bosch GmbH (WS2020/21) |
10.02.2021 |
IISM publication at the ACM Conference for Computer-supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2020) |
22.01.2021 |
New Project: WorkLifeSens – Designing Sensor-based Worklife Assistance Systems |
21.01.2021 |
Benedikt Morschheuser appointed as Assistant Professor of “Digital Transformation” at Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) |
20.01.2021 |
Paper accepted for publication at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2021) |
13.01.2021 |
Open Position: Physio-Adaptive Systems for the Future Workplace |
13.01.2021 |
Presence at Wirtschaftsinformatik Conference WI-2021 |
11.01.2021 |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year |
16.12.2020 |
New Project: MeKIDI examines humane process digitalization in the energy sector |
10.12.2020 |
New Publication in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing: To Be or Not to Be in Flow at Work: Physiological Classification of Flow using Machine Learning |
07.12.2020 |
New Project “Digital Citizen Science @ KD²Ex: Experimental Research for Wellbeing, Work, and Education at Home“ supported by KIT Excellence University funding |
16.11.2020 |
Participation at HICSS 2021 |
11.11.2020 |
New book published by Dr. Dennis Kaiser |
04.11.2020 |
New Team Member: Daniel Schloß |
29.10.2020 |
Official launch of the fair.digital initiative |
21.10.2020 |
Speaker Series Digital Citizen Science “Exploring innovative approaches to data quality in online citizen science“ |
21.10.2020 |
Participation at ICIS 2020 |
14.10.2020 |
New team member: Anja Seiffer |
02.10.2020 |
New Book “Design Science Research.Cases“ published |
28.09.2020 |
Successful Completion of "Designing Interactive Systems" Virtual Capstone Project |
24.09.2020 |
New Teaching Offering: CDT Seminar |
21.09.2020 |
Joint Master's Thesis with SZS |
21.09.2020 |
Distinguished Paper Award on 28th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference |
11.09.2020 |
New team member: Saskia Haug |
11.09.2020 |
Successful PhD defense by Peyman Toreini |
04.09.2020 |
DFG Individual Research Grant “Advertising over Time: Interactive Machine Learning for Image Data Analysis“ |
02.09.2020 |
KIT Future Fields funding for KD²Ex – Karlsruhe Decision and Design Experimentation Ecosystem |
14.08.2020 |
New Publication in the Journal of Consumer Behavior: Who can be nudged? Examining nudging effectiveness in the context of need for cognition and need for uniqueness |
05.08.2020 |
New Publication in DSS: "Novice Digital Service Designers' Decision-Making with Decision Aids — A Comparison of Taxonomy and Tags" |
29.07.2020 |
Successful PhD defense by Ulrich Gnewuch |
05.06.2020 |
Dr. Hermann Zemlicka Award for Most Visionary Paper |
04.06.2020 |
Improving Natural Language Capabilities of the Telefonica/O2 Chatbot Aura |
02.06.2020 |
Two open PhD Scholarship positions in the “Karlsruhe Citizen Experimentation“ initiative |
27.05.2020 |
New Publication in DSS: The effect of interactive analytical dashboard features on situation awareness and task performance |
19.05.2020 |
Participation at ECIS 2020 |
14.05.2020 |
15th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technologies (DESRIST) |
27.04.2020 |
Teaching Offerings Summer 2020 |
01.04.2020 |
Working during the pandemic |
31.03.2020 |
New practical seminar offers published |
30.03.2020 |
Capstone & design seminar results of winter semester now online available |
27.03.2020 |
Easy Care Technology and Research Group ISSD launch strategic partnership |
16.03.2020 |
Successful PhD defense by Christian Fleig |
03.03.2020 |
Stefan Morana appointed as Assistant Professor of “Digital Transformation and Information Systems” at Saarland University |
28.02.2020 |
Paper accepted for publication in Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ) |
15.01.2020 |
Article in Künstliche Intelligenz published |
15.01.2020 |
Presentations and KD2Lab Visit @ Nacht der Wissenschaft |
15.01.2020 |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year |
17.12.2019 |
Presentation at 6th International Chatbot Summit |
11.12.2019 |
Presence at Wirtschaftsinformatik Conference WI-2020 |
10.12.2019 |
Participation at CONVERSATIONS 2019 in Amsterdam |
22.11.2019 |
New online course DORIS available |
28.10.2019 |
Participation at ICIS 2019 |
10.10.2019 |
Student Assistant Public Relations “Studiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik“ |
02.10.2019 |
Participation at the 28th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference 2019 |
16.09.2019 |
New Research Project: digilog@BW |
09.09.2019 |
Move to “Kollegiengebäude am Kronenplatz“ (Geb. 05.20) |
22.08.2019 |
Successful PhD defense by Xuanhui Liu |
12.08.2019 |
Article in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies published |
06.08.2019 |
New Article in Special Issue of the Electronic Markets Journal |
29.07.2019 |
Final Presentations of the Interactive Analytics Seminar (SS 2019) |
24.07.2019 |
Keynote at 21th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics |
16.07.2019 |
New Hiwi opportunities at ISSD! |
04.07.2019 |
New team member: Sven Michalczyk |
12.06.2019 |
Participation at ECIS 2019 |
07.06.2019 |
Presentation at SAP User Assistance Reloaded 19 |
05.06.2019 |
Research Talk Series on Digitalization |
24.05.2019 |
Prof. Maedche receives KIT Faculty Teaching Award |
21.05.2019 |
Successful PhD defense by Raphael Rissler |
16.05.2019 |
Press Release: Flow at Work using AI Technologies |
16.04.2019 |
Studying B.Sc./M.Sc. Information Systems at KIT |
15.04.2019 |
UIG Conference: Usability, User Experience and Artificial Intelligence |
26.03.2019 |
Article in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics published |
25.03.2019 |
Article in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering published |
18.03.2019 |
Article in Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making published |
06.03.2019 |
New Bachelor Lecture: Foundations of Interactive System |
04.03.2019 |
Prof. Maedche is Editor of the new Department “Human-Computer Interaction and Social Computing“ |
27.02.2019 |
Participation at SAP UX Day |
26.02.2019 |
Research Group at 14th International Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI-2019) |
19.02.2019 |
Final Presentation of Capstone Projects “Digital Service Design” |
29.01.2019 |
KPMG Ideation Challenge 2019 –“Artificial Intelligence“ |
17.01.2019 |
Successful PhD Defense by Dennis Kaiser |
04.12.2018 |
Wirtschaftsinformatik @ KIT: Presentation at the KIT “University for Beginners“ Day |
21.11.2018 |
Benjamin Mueller appointed as Professor of „Digital Innovation & Design Science“ at HEC Lausanne |
21.11.2018 |
DX Award Ceremony @ World Usability Day Karlsruhe |
09.11.2018 |
KPMG Innovation & Collaboration Challenge 2019 |
08.11.2018 |
1.World Usability Day in Karlsruhe organized by IISM and Usertimes |
30.10.2018 |
Open: Doctoral Scholarship "Usability & User Experience Engineering" |
29.10.2018 |
Participation at ICIS 2018 |
16.10.2018 |
Capstone Project in Digital Service Design lecture kicked-off |
16.10.2018 |
New platform launched: chatbotresearch.com |
12.10.2018 |
UX Day 2018 |
12.10.2018 |
Prof. Maedche joins Editorial Board of the Journal of the Association of Information Systems (JAIS) |
29.09.2018 |
IISM@DMEXCO 2018 with Chatbot Massimo |
06.09.2018 |
Place 3 for IISM Team at Human Football Tournament |
30.07.2018 |
Final Presentations of Interactive Analytics Seminar |
30.07.2018 |
Open Student Assistant Position |
09.07.2018 |
DX Network is organizing the first UX-JamCamp |
21.06.2018 |
Team Smubi ID from KIT wins the KPMG Ideation Challenge 2018 |
29.05.2018 |
Participation at ECIS 2018 |
07.05.2018 |
Two articles at the Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) accepted for publication |
07.05.2018 |
Open Position: "Tax Digitalization – Intelligent Assistance" in cooperation with EnBW |
04.05.2018 |
Dagstuhl Seminar “Software Business, Platforms, and Ecosystems: Fundamentals of Software Production Research“ |
30.04.2018 |
Work & Hobbies - Interview with Ulrich Gnewuch in KITdialog and clicKIT Magazine |
27.04.2018 |
Participation at DESRIST 2018 |
25.04.2018 |
Open Position: Full Professor Consumer & User Behavior (W3) |
19.04.2018 |
Research Assistant "Self-Service Analytics" in cooperation with Bosch Group |
08.01.2019 |
Business Intelligence Systems Capstone Project Presentations finalized |
28.02.2018 |
Practical Seminar “Digital Service Design in the Energy Sector" finalized |
26.02.2018 |
Leibniz Research Network “Taxation in the Era of Digital Transformation“ |
26.02.2018 |
Paper at ACM CHI 2018 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems accepted |
20.02.2018 |
Practical Seminar: Digital Service Design “Future of Work” finalized |
20.02.2018 |
New publication in Project Management Journal (PMJ) |
05.02.2018 |
KPMG Ideation Challenge “Augmented Reality“ |
29.01.2018 |
Techtag: 2018 IT Trends UX Design and Blockchain |
22.01.2018 |
Digital Service Design Capstone Project finalized |
16.01.2018 |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year |
21.12.2017 |
Senacor Case Challenge 2018 |
12.12.2017 |
Mittelstand 4.0 Competence Center Usability started |
04.12.2017 |
Participation at ICIS 2017 |
04.12.2017 |
Successful PhD defense by Benedikt Morschheuser |
22.11.2017 |
DX Network Member Event on Nov 2nd 2017 |
7.11.2017 |
The App Parkineers in the Media |
26.10.2017 |
New Tool for Design Science Projects: MyDesignProcess |
24.10.2017 |
UX-Day 2017 |
19.10.2017 |
Spin IT Off – Event for Doctoral Students in IT |
16.10.2017 |
Successful PhD defense by Phillip Haake |
22.09.2017 |
New publication in Computers in Human Behavior (CHB) |
13.09.2017 |
New Event Format: Senacor Business Challenge |
04.09.2017 |
Successful PhD defense by Mario Nadj |
11.08.2017 |
Final presentations of Practical Seminar: Interactive Analytics at KD2Lab |
24.07.2017 |
Final presentations of this year’s Practical Seminar – Digital Service Design at SAP in Walldorf |
21.07.2017 |
BIAL Project at KIT Innovation Day |
29.06.2017 |
22nd SAP Academic Conference EMEA in Karlsruhe |
23.06.2017 |
UIG Tagung 2017: Usability- and User-Experience Conference on 22th of June |
07.06.2017 |
DESRIST 2017 in Karlsruhe |
02.06.2017 |
New Publication in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS) |
31.03.2017 |
Research Group at ECIS 2017 |
22.05.2017 |
Successful PhD defense by Karl Werder |
19.05.2017 |
Call for Papers: Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) |
16.05.2017 |
Call for Papers: Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) |
16.05.2017 |
Deutsche Bank becomes member of Digital Experience Network |
05.05.2017 |
Experimental Research in HCI Project with SAP Student Interns |
02.05.2017 |
New Publication in Decision Support Systems (DSS) |
17.03.2017 |
Research group at CSCW '17 |
13.03.2017 |
Digital Experience Network launched |
13.03.2017 |
Cooperation agreement with Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) signed |
21.02.2017 |
Business Intelligence Systems Capstone Projects finalized |
10.02.2017 |
Participate now! Study on new app ParKing |
08.02.2017 |
Research Group at WI 2017 |
18.01.2017 |
KPMG Business Modelling Workshop at KIT |
16.01.2017 |
Students of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology @Commerzbank in Frankfurt |
10.01.2017 |
KIT and SAP®: New strategic partnership for digital solutions for economy, science and society |
10.01.2017 |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year |
22.12.2016 |
Research Group at ICIS 2016 |
06.12.2016 |
Digital Business Models Workshop with KPMG |
05.12.2016 |
Open position: Research Assistant "User-centered digital transformation" in cooperation with Senacor Technologies AG |
21.11.2016 |
Senacor Case Challenge 2017 |
31.10.2016 |
Open Hiwi-Positions |
25.10.2016 |
Call for Papers: Workshop Designing Human-Computer Assistance Systems |
18.10.2016 |
New Master Courses: Data Science@IISM |
14.10.2016 |
Article in KIT Magazine |
25.09.2016 |
New Doctoral Scholarship |
13.09.2016 |
2015 JITTA Outstanding Paper Award |
05.09.2016 |
12th Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technologies (DESRIST) 2017 Conference |
16.08.2016 |
Call for Papers: Workshop Business Intelligence |
25.07.2016 |
UX-Day 2016 |
21.07.2016 |
Digital Service Design application in SAP Next-Gen Consulting Project |
11.07.2016 |
Research Alliance: Focus on Digital Transformation |
07.07.2016 |
18.06.2016 |
New Research Alliance ForDigital |
06.06.2016 |
Best Paper Award DESRIST 2016 |
25.05.2016 |
Industry Talks Announcement |
19.05.2016 |
Open working student / student assistant position in cooperation with SAP SE |
13.05.2016 |
KIT joins the SAP University Alliance |
12.05.2016 |
Senacor Code & Play |
03.05.2016 |
Research Group at DESRIST 2016 |
02.05.2016 |
PhD Position "Gamification in Heating Engineering" in cooperation with Bosch Thermotechnology |
21.04.2016 |
Research Group at ECIS 2016 |
19.04.2016 |
Open Doctoral Scholarship in Cooperation with KPMG AG |
21.03.2016 |
WI 2017 Track: User-centered Information Systems |
12.02.2017 |
GI-Workshop: Value-Sensitive Design of Internet-Based Services: Towards an Integration of Technology and Values |
29.09.2016 |
ePROBE: Benchmarking of Service-Processes in the Utilities Industry |
23.02.2016 |
DeLFI Best Master Thesis Award 2015 |
09.02.2016 |
New Publication in IJEB: "Process digitisation in retail banking" |
06.02.2016 |
HMD Best Paper Award 2015 |
29.01.2016 |
UIG Spring Convention 2016 |
29.01.2016 |
Online Platform for Guitarist – Interview with Prof. Mädche in Baden TV |
18.01.2016 |
Senacor Case Challenge |
15.01.2016 |
New Publication in JITTA: "The Evolution of Design Principles Enabling Knowledge Reuse for Projects " |
05.01.2016 |
KPMG cooperates with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
01.12.2015 |
New Publications in BISE and ISeB |
26.11.2015 |
Offer: Doctoral Scholarship "Designing Business Intelligence & Analytics Systems" |
13.10.2015 |
Open Position: Research Assistant "Designing Intelligent Service Systems" |
13.10.2015 |
Open Position: PostDoc "User-Centered Digital Transformation" |
13.10.2015 |
Research Group at ICIS 2015 |
21.09.2015 |
New Publication in JAIS |
15.09.2015 |