Students of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology @Commerzbank in Frankfurt
Dennis Hummel
- Date: 10.01.2017
Presentation of results of a capstone project in front of Commerzbank managers in Frankfurt
![Group of students](/img/CommerzbankTrip03Ausschnitt_rdax_1240x816s.jpg)
On January 9th 2017, two teams of the lecture Digital Service Design of Prof. Mädche presented the results of a capstone project in front of Commerzbank managers in Frankfurt.
At the beginning of the semester, the students were asked to investigate the usability of the Commerzbank banking app for private customers. Thereby, they were able to apply the theoretical knowledge of the lecture to a real-world problem. With a low interest rate and increasing costs for compliance and regulation, many banks expand their digital services to account for a new consumer behavior and save costs. The digital services, especially online banking and mobile banking are also a main component of the new strategy of Commerzbank.
The results of the students were well-received by the employees responsible for the online and mobile banking of Commerzbank and they triggered interesting and constructive discussions during the meeting.
The results will be taken into account for the future development of the mobile application. Besides their presentations, the students learned about opportunities at Commerz Business Consulting, the Inhouse Consulting of Commerzbank, and they were taken around the Commerzbank tower in a tower tour.
A highlight of this tour was the view of Frankfurt from the roof of the Commerzbank tower at a height of 260m over the ground.
The trip was part of the practice-oriented capstone project focusing on the design of a real-world digital service.