Presence at Wirtschaftsinformatik Conference WI-2020
- Date: 10.12.2019
The research groups of Prof. Mädche, Prof. Satzger, and Prof. Weinhardt from IISM and KSRI will be present at at the 15th International Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI-2020)
in Potsdam with 9 publications:
- Blockchain and Trust in the Platform Economy: The Case of Peer-to-Peer Sharing (Dann, D., Peukert, C., Hawlitschek, F., Martin, C., and Weinhardt, C.)
- Designing Analytics-Based Services: Exploring Design Requirements for Methodological Tool Assistance in Service Design Teams (Hunke, F. and Kiefer, F.)
- Discovering Core Modules of Platform-based Software Ecosystems for Non-Profit Sport Organizations (Benke, I., Guth, P., Rietz, T., and Maedche, A.)
- Enriching E-Participation through Augmented Reality: First Results of a Qualitative Study (Fegert, J., Pfeiffer, J., Peukert, C., and Weinhardt, C.)
- Handling Concept Drifts in Regression Problems – the Error Intersection Approach (Baier, Lucas; Hofmann, Marcel, Kühl, Niklas; Mohr, Marisa; Satzger, Gerhard)
- Machine Learning for Bitcoin Pricing — A Structured Literature Review (Jaquart, P., Dann, D., and Martin, C.)
- Oracle or Teacher? A Systematic Overview of Research on Interactive Labeling for Machine Learning (Knaeble, M., Nadj, M., and Maedche, A.)
- Trustworthy AI: How Ethicswashing Undermines Consumer Trust (Peukert, C. and Kloker, S.)
- Pathways from Data to Value: Identifying Strategic Archetypes of Analytics-Based Services (Hunke, Fabian; Seebacher, Stefan; Schüritz, Ronny; Satzger, Gerhard)
For further information feel free to directly contact the authors.