Teaching Offerings

The human-centered systems lab (h-lab) headed by Prof. Maedche (research group “Information Systems I”) offers a comprehensive teaching program in the field of information systems and HCI, specifically human-centered systems. Each lecture is accompanied with a design or engineering capstone project. In design projects, students apply design methods, techniques, and tools in order to create tangible solutions for real-world problems. In engineering capstone projects, students develop a piece of running prototypical software using state-of-the-art technologies. In addition, we also very actively engage in offering team projects for industrial engineers and for information system students. 

The picture provides an overview on our courses. The courses offered in the current semester as well as a course archive is available via the menu above by clicking on "more". 

A brief description of each course is given in the table below. With the exception of the compulsory Bachelor lecture Wirtschaftsinformatik 1  and Wirtschaftsinformatik - BWL all lectures and seminars are held in English.

Teaching Offering Degree Level Short Description Capstone Prerequisites
Lecture: Wirtschaftsinformatik I (for B.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik | Information Systems) B.Sc.   In den Vorlesungen Wirtschaftsinformatik I des Moduls werden zentrale Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsinformatik als wissenschaftliche Disziplin eingeführt. Dazu werden die Erkenntnisobjekte, Grundbegriffe, Wissenschaftscharakter und -ziele sowie Methoden in Wissenschaft und Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik eingeführt. Im Fokus der Vorlesung Wirtschaftsinformatik I stehen die Analyseeinheiten Individuum und Gruppen, u.a. auch die Mensch-Computer Interaktion und die computergestützte Zusammenarbeit.  Es werden sowohl Konzepte, Methoden und Theorien als auch Systeme und ihre Gestaltung diskutiert. - -
Lecture: Wirtschaftsinformatik - BWL (for B.Sc. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen and others) B.Sc. In der Vorlesung Wirtschaftsinformatik (BWL Modul Produktion, Logistik und Wirtschaftsinformatik) werden zentrale Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsinformatik eingeführt.  Studierende erhalten grundlegende Kenntnisse des Zusammenspiels von Informationstechnologien, Menschen und Organisationsstrukturen und werden vertraut gemacht mit den grundlegenden Strukturen von Informationssystemen. - -
Lecture: Foundations of Interactive Systems (FOIS) B.Sc.

This lecture introduces key concepts and principles of interactive systems from a human and computer perspective. Furthermore, it describes core development processes for interactive systems as well as provides insights on the use & contexts of interactive systems with a specific focus on selected application areas in organisations and society.

With this lecture, students acquire foundational knowledge to successfully design of the interaction between human and conputers in business and private life. The course is complemented with a design capstone project, where students in a team select and apply design methods & techniques in order to create an interactive prototype.

Design BWL | Wirtschaftsinformatik or Wirtschaftsinformatik I
Lecture: Enterprise Systems for Financial Accounting and Controlling (EFA) B.Sc.  Enterprise Systems building on enterprise resource planning (ERP) packaged software such as SAP S/4HANA are information systems that target large‐scale integration of business processes and data across a company’s functional areas. These systems are crucial for financial accounting and controlling as they enable organizations to streamline and integrate their financial operations, ensuring accurate decision-making based on realtime financial data. Contemporary packaged ERP software provide modules that integrate core business processes in financial accounting including general ledger, accounts receivable, payable and asset accounting. The information
generated in these processes serves as a major source of cost-related decision-making, reporting and data analyses in internal accounting (“controlling”). Packaged ERP software typically rely on industry best practices captured in the form of product software with a standardized structure of master data. Thereby, they also support regulatory compliance and analyzability of processes in approaches such as process mining which enhances overall business efficiency and competitiveness. However, implementing enterprise systems in practice imposes substantial  challenges to organizations. First, the B.Sc. lecture "Enterprise Systems for Financial Accounting & Controlling" introduces fundamental business processes and concepts in finance and controlling and explains how these processes are implemented in packaged ERP software such as SAP S/4HANA. Students learn the basic and most important terms and master data structures in the SAP FI/CO module. Second, students learn about the principles of packaged ERP software, gaining hands-on experience SAP S4/HANA. Third, the lecture introduces the challenges in enterprise system projects such as SAP S/4HANA implementations, Fourth, students actively apply their knowledge in collaborative team efforts when working with exemplary SAP data in Microsoft SQL Server to analyze finance and controlling master data processes (capstone project).
Engineering BWL Grundlagen Finanzierung und Rechnungswesen | Wirtschaftsinformatik
Lecture: Designing Interactive Systems (DIS): Human- AI Interaction M.Sc.

Computers have evolved from batch processors towards highly interactive systems. With the rapid progress in the field of artificial intelligence, computers can now learn and adapt to their environment, simulate human intelligence processes as well as support or even take over tasks from humans. This offers great possibilities, but at the same time raises new challenges for the successful design of interactive systems.  The aim of this course is to introduce advanced concepts and theories as well as current practice of designing interactive systems. A specific focus is set on designing AI-based interactive systems for individuals and groups at work ranging from personal productivity assistants to AI-augmented virtual collaboration.

The course is complemented with hands-on exercises and a design capstone project in cooperation with an industry partner. In the project, students in a team effort apply state-of-the-art design methods & techniques and create an interactive system design prototype with a specific focus on human-AI interaction.

Design -
Lecture: Engineering Interactive Systems: AI & Wearables  (EIS) M.Sc.

This course introduces key concepts and state-of-the-art engineering principles for interactive systems. Specifically, the human-centered design process is introduced and contextualized with a specific focus on biosignal-based adaptive systems. The lectures introduces wearable technologies and biosignal intelligence (leveraging Artificial Intelligence on sensor data to analyze human activities).

The course is complemented with an engineering capstone project, where students work in a team with real-world use cases in order to realize a prototypical biosignal-based adaptive system using state-of-the-art wearable technologies (e.g., Smartwatches) as well as existing software libraries and APIs for biosignal processing and analysis. 

Engineering Profound skills in software development are required.
Lecture: Business Intelligence Systems (BIS) M.Sc.

Data Science and Business Intelligence & Analytics (BI&A) systems go hand in hand and are a core enabler of decision-making in today’s organizations.  Where Data science rather represents a broad and generic concept of studying data to extract meaningful insights, BI&A systems provide actionable support along the entire analytical lifecycle. The aim of this course is to introduce key concepts, design principles, and building blocks of contemporary BI&A systems as well as foundational methods and central roles in organizations. A specific emphasis is set on introducing key concepts and activities from the perspectives of a data engineer, a data analyst, and a business analyst. 

The course is complemented with an engineering capstone project, where students work in a team with real-world use cases and data in order to create a prototypical Business intelligence & Analytics system using state-of-the-art technologies (e.g., scikit-learn in Python or Microsoft Power BI)

Engineering Profound skills in SQL as wells as Python  are required.
Lecture: (Gen)AI-based Automation in Organizations (GAO) M.Sc.  The advent of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has received great attention in business and society due to its capabilities of creating new and unique outputs across a range of modalities. Individuals started rapidly to use the capabilities of tools like ChatGPT and Google Gemini for text and image generation, personal recommendations, or decision support. At the same time, organizations are challenged to leverage  generative AI but also AI technology in general within their business models, processes, and information systems. (Gen)AI technologies enable executing cognitive tasks which in the past were only carried out by employees of the organization. Ultimately, this leads to an increase of automation in organizations. This course will teach concepts to support organizations and their employees to increase the level of automation leveraging (Gen)AI technologies under consideration of an economic and social perspective. Case Studies / Design -
User-Adaptive Systems Seminar B.Sc. / M.Sc.

User-adaptive systems collect and analyze biosignals from users to recognize user states as a basis for adaptation. Thermic, mechanical, electric, acoustic, and optical signals are collected using sensors which are integrated in wearables, e.g. glasses, earphones, belts, or bracelets. The collected data is processed with analytics and machine learning techniques in order to determine short-term, evolving over time, and long-term user states in the form of user characteristics, affective-cognitive states, or behavior. Finally, the recognized user states are leveraged for realizing user-centric adaptations.  In this seminar, interdisciplinary teams of students design, develop, and evaluate a user-adaptive system prototype leveraging state-of-the-art hard- and software. This seminar follows an interdisciplinary approach. Students from the fields of computer science, information systems and industrial engineering & management collaborate in the prototype design, development, and evaluation.  The seminar is carried out in cooperation between Teco/Chair of Pervasive Computing Systems (Prof. Beigl) and the Institute of Information Systems and Marketing (h-lab, Prof. Mädche). It is offered as part of the DFG-funded graduate school “KD2School: Designing Adaptive Systems for Economic Decisions“ (https://kd2school.info/)

- Profound software development skills are required.

Research Seminar: Human-Centered Systems

B.Sc. / M.Sc. With this seminar, we aim to provide students with the possibility to independently work on state-of-the-art research topics in addition to the knowledge gained in the lectures of the human-centered systems alb (Prof. Mädche).  In the seminar, participants will get deeper insights in a contemporary research topics in the field of information systems and HCI, specifically human-centered systems. - -

Engineering Seminar: Human-Centered Systems

B.Sc. / M.Sc. With this seminar, we aim to provide students with the possibility to independently work on state-of-the-art research topics in addition to the knowledge gained in the lectures of the human-centered systems lab (Prof. Mädche). Students will work on a dedicated topic in the context of human-centered systems and apply a pre-defined research method. A broad spectrum of topics is offered every semester, topics may range from creating an experimental design, analyzing collected data, or systematically comparing existing software prototypes in a specific field of interest. - -
Team Project "Wirtschaft und Technologie" / "Softwareentwicklung" B.Sc.  The team projects aims to prepare students for working in heterogeneously composed teams. A team of 4-5 students will work on defined interdisciplinary questions at the interface of management and (information) technology subjects. The result of the projects should typically not only be a presentation or a report, but an artifact, e.g. a method, an algorithm, a model, a software or a component.
The team projects already implement the concept of research-oriented teaching in the Bachelor's degree and aim to build up problem-solving competence in the students.
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Practical Seminar B.Sc. / M.Sc. Practical seminars are part of several modules and provide an alternative to traditional lectures with 4,5 ECTS. In practical seminars, students get an individual assignment and develop a running software prototype. Beside the software prototype, the students also deliver a written documentation. - -
Bachelor / Master Thesis Project incl. Thesis Colloquium  B.Sc. / M.Sc.

The main goal of the thesis colloquium is to foster exchange between students (e.g., with similiar thesis topics or research methods). Furthermore, it is an opportunity for you to practice presentation and feeback-giving skills. Each thesis student of the research group is expected to attend the thesis colloquium.

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Foundations of Research in IS and HCI (FORES ) B.Sc. / M.Sc. This online course is offered for bachelor and master students writing their thesis at h-lab. The course introduces into foundations of research with regards to theory and methods in the two disciplines IS and HCI.  - -
Biosignal-Adaptive Systems PhD

This course introduces existing adaptive systems research in selected research communities and describe important concepts. Furthermore, we articulate major building blocks of biosignal-adaptive systems and describe design/evaluation processes and activities. We classify different types of biosignals and describe key procedures for measuring, processing, classification, and interpretation. Finally, PhD students collect, process and analyze biosignals and design an adaptive systems prototype as part of the capstone project. It is offered as part of the DFG-funded graduate school “KD2School: Designing Adaptive Systems for Economic Decisions“ (https://kd2school.info/)

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Design Science Research PhD The course intends to introduce PhD students to the field of DSR in IS. It wants to provide insights into multiple perspectives of DSR, e.g., the theoretical foundation of DSR, the different contributions of DSR as well as methodologies and activities to conduct DSR. With this knowledge, students will be enabled to assess the rigor and relevance of DSR in general, but also be prepared to plan and execute their own DSR projects successfully. - -