1994 – 1999 |
University of Karlsruhe (TH) – Industrial Engineering & Management - Computer Science / Operations Research (Diploma), |
1999 - 2001 |
University of Karlsruhe (TH) – Dr. rer. pol., Topic "Ontology Learning for the Semantic Web“ |
2001 - 2003 |
Research Center Computer Science (FZI) – Department Manager Research Group Knowledge Management |
2003 - 2006 |
Bosch Group – Department Manager Business Intelligence in Corporate Sector Information Technologies |
2006 - 2009 |
SAP AG – Vice President Product Management User Interaction/ Productivity in Technology & Innovation Group |
2009 - 2015 |
University of Mannheim – Full Professor and Chair of Information Systems, Business School |
2010 - 2015 |
Mannheim Business School gGmbH – Academic Director Mannheim & Tongji Executive MBA |
2011 - 2016 |
University of Mannheim – Managing Director, Institute for Enterprise Systems (InES) |
2015 - 2021 | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) - Director at Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI) |
2016 - 2021 | Dean of Studies "Information Systems" (B.Sc. / M.Sc.), KIT-Department of Economics and Management |
2018 - 2021 | Program Director "Information Systems Engineering & Management" (Part-Time M.Sc.), Hector Technology Business School |
Since 2014 | Board Member Usability & UX in Germany e.V. |
Since 2021 | Board Member Die Wirtschaftsinformatik e.V. |
Since 2015 | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) - Full Professor, Head of Human-Centered Systems Lab (h-lab), Research Group Information Systems I, Institute for Information Systems (WIN) |
Since 2023 | Vice-Dean Innovation and Relationships, KIT-Department of Economics and Management, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche
- Office Hours: by appointment only
- Room:
CS Kaiserstrasse 89 - Phone: +49 721 608-41580
+1749323938 - alexander maedche ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- h-lab.iism.kit.edu/
- Kaiserstr. 93
76131 Karlsruhe
Prof. Dr. Alexander Mädche is a full professor at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany. He heads the human-centered systems lab (research group “Information Systems I”) at the Institute for Information Systems (WIN).
Alexander Maedche received a Diplom degree in industrial engineering & management (computer science / operations research) in 1999 and a Dr. rer. pol. in 2001 from the University of Karlsruhe (TH). He worked as research group lead and Research Center Computer Science (FZI) in Karlsruhe since 2003. In the time frame of 2003-2009, he has worked in industry at Bosch and SAP in managerial positions in the fields of corporate IT management (business intelligence competence center) and enterprise software product development. Alexander Maedche became full professor and Chair of Information Systems at the University of Mannheim in their year 2009. In the year 2015 he accepted the call to KIT.
His work is positioned at the intersection of Information Systems and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Specifically, his research is focused on designing human-centered systems for better work and life. His work has been published in leading international information systems and computer science journals such as the Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), Journal of the Association of Information Systems (JAIS), Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), Information & Software Technology (IST), Computers & Human Behavior (CHB), International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS), IEEE Intelligent Systems, VLDB Journal, and AI Magazine. An overview of all publications of Prof. Mädche and his research group is available here.
Alexander Maedche is senior editor of the Journal of Association of Information Systems (JAIS), associate editor of the Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), and department editor “Human-Computer Interaction and Social Computing“ of the Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) journal. He also serves in various roles supporting international research conferences, e.g. as track chair of ICIS 2018 or co-organizer of DESRIST 2017. An overview on his community engagement is available here.
He actively promotes the delivery of digital innovations and transferring state-of-the-art knowledge to practice and society. He is co-founder of the non-profit organizations Usability and User Experience in Germany (UIG) e.V., Die Wirtschaftsinformatik e.V. and fair.digital e.V. Further information is available here.
Tabular Resume
Gnewuch, U.; Morana, S.; Hinz, O.; Kellner, R.; Maedche, A.
2024. Information Systems Research, 35 (3), 936–955. doi:10.1287/isre.2022.0152
Langner, M.; Toreini, P.; Maedche, A.
2024. i-com. doi:10.1515/icom-2023-0035
Benke, I.; Knierim, M.; Adam, M.; Beigl, M.; Dorner, V.; Ebner-Priemer, U.; Herrmann, M.; Klarmann, M.; Maedche, A.; Nafziger, J.; Nieken, P.; Pfeiffer, J.; Puppe, C.; Putze, F.; Scheibehenne, B.; Schultz, T.; Weinhardt, C.
2024. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 66, 233–247. doi:10.1007/s12599-024-00861-y
Seitz, J.; Benke, I.; Maedche, A.
2024. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 8 (CSCW2), Art.-Nr.: 392. doi:10.1145/3686931
Liu, X.; Rietz, T.; Maedche, A.
2024. Universal Access in the Information Society. doi:10.1007/s10209-024-01122-1
Wambsganss, T.; Benke, I.; Maedche, A.; Koedinger, K.; Käser, T.
2024. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education. doi:10.1007/s40593-024-00409-x
Knäble, M.; Nadj, M.; Mädche, A.
2024. Interacting with Computers, Art.-Nr.: iwae008. doi:10.1093/iwc/iwae008
Maedche, A.; Elshan, E.; Höhle, H.; Lehrer, C.; Recker, J.; Sunyaev, A.; Sturm, B.; Werth, O.
2024. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 66 (4), 517–532. doi:10.1007/s12599-024-00858-7
Seitz, J.; Benke, I.; Heinzl, A.; Maedche, A.
2024. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 182, Art.-Nr.: 103178. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2023.103178
Reuscher, T. F.; Seitz, J.; Greif-Winzrieth, A.; Langner, M.; Soballa, K.; Maedche, A.; Nieken, P.
2024. Proceedings NeuroIS Retreat 2024, Wien, 9th - 11th June 2024, Eds.: F. D. Davis, R. Riedl, J. vom Brocke, P.-M. Léger, A. B. Randolph, G. R. Müller-Putz, Springer
Benke, I.; Müller, E.; Mädche, A.
2024. Information Systems and Neuroscience – NeuroIS Retreat 2023, Vienna, Austria. Ed.: F. Davis, 285–292, Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-58396-4_25
Müller, E.; Benke, I.; Mädche, A.
2024. Information Systems and Neuroscience. NeuroIS. Ed.: F. Davis, 355–366, Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-58396-4_31
Schloß, D.; Haug, S.; Mädche, A.
2024. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2024 Proceedings, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Gunklach, J.; Nadj, M.; Knaeble, M.; Bragaglia, I.; Mädche, A.
2024. Human Technology Interaction : International Conference on Information Systems, 1–17, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Seitz, J.; Schill, J.; Spruth, L.; Eilks, A. E.; Schultz, T.; Mädche, A.
2024. Social Media and Digital Collaboration : International Conference on Information Systems., 1–17, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Wegener, A.; Fausel, K.; Haug, S.; Maedche, A.
2024. W4A ’24: The 21st International Web for All Conference Singapore Singapore May 13 - 14, 2024, 106–117, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3677846.3677853
Schulz, T.; Liu, S.; Mädche, A.; Weinhardt, C.
2024. MuC ’24: Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2024. Ed.: A. Maedche; M. Beigl, 599–604, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3670653.3677506
Greiner, K.; Müller, E.; Mädche, A.
2024. MuC ’24: Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2024. Ed.: A. Maedche; M. Beigl, 432–436, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3670653.3677520
Seitz, J.; Link, A.; Maedche, A.
2024. Mensch und Computer 2024 - Workshopband. MCI-WS11: ABIS 2024 - International Workshop on Personalization and Recommendation, Karlsruhe. 1.-4. September 2024. Hrsg.: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI). doi:10.18420/muc2024-mci-ws11-145
Kolthoff, K.; Kretzer, F.; Bartelt, C.; Maedche, A.; Ponzetto, S. P.
2024. 2024 IEEE 32nd International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE). Ed.: IEEE, 380–388, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/RE59067.2024.00045
Frenzke-Shim, A.; Kohl-Dietrich, D.; Standl, B.; Langner, M.; Maedche, A.; Kerber, U.
2024. 2024 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Kos Island, Greece, 08-11 May 2024, 01–03, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/EDUCON60312.2024.10578629
Schelhorn, T. C.; Gnewuch, U.; Maedche, A.
2024. Design Science Research for a Resilient Future – 19th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2024, Trollhättan, Sweden, June 3–5, 2024, Proceedings. Ed.: M. Mandviwalla, 398–411, Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-61175-9_27
Leiser, F.; Eckhardt, S.; Leuthe, V.; Knaeble, M.; Maedche, A.; Schwabe, G.; Sunyaev, A.
2024. CHI ’24: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Ed.: F. Mueller, Art.-Nr.: 482, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3613904.3642428
Gnewuch, U.; Hanschmann, L.; Kaiser, C.; Schallner, R.; Maedche, A.
2024. Eduropean Conference on Information Systems 2024, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Hanschmann, L.; Gnewuch, U.; Maedche, A.
2024. Chatbot Research and Design : 7th International Workshop, CONVERSATIONS 2023, Oslo, Norway, November 22–23, 2023. Ed.: A. Følstad, 61–76, Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-54975-5_4
Maedche, A.; Beigl, M.; Gerling, K.; Mayer, S. (Eds.)
2024. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3670653
Haug, S.; Benke, I.; Maedche, A.
2023. Proceedings of the ACM on human-computer interaction, 7 (CSCW1), Art.-Nr.: 23. doi:10.1145/3579456
Nadj, M.; Rissler, R.; Adam, M. T. P.; Knierim, M. T.; Li, M. X.; Maedche, A.; Riedl, R.
2023. MIS quarterly, 47 (4), 1615–1646
Meza Martínez, M. A.; Nadj, M.; Langner, M.; Toreini, P.; Maedche, A.
2023. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 13 (4), 1–47. doi:10.1145/3607145
Liu, X.; Werder, K.; Maedche, A.; Sun, L.
2023. International Journal of Innovation Science. doi:10.1108/IJIS-02-2023-0046
Schulz, T.; Liu, S.; Peukert, C.; Toreini, P.; Maedche, A.; Weinhardt, C.
2023. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.4470430
Schultz, T.; Maedche, A.
2023. SN Applied Sciences, 5 (9), 234. doi:10.1007/s42452-023-05412-w
Gau, M.; Maedche, A.; Brocke, J. vom
2023. Enterprise modelling and information systems architectures, 18 (4). doi:10.18417/emisa.18.4
Ruoff, M.; Gnewuch, U.; Mädche, A.; Scheibehenne, B.
2023. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 24 (6), 1500–1526. doi:10.17705/1jais.00801
Reuscher, T. F.; Toreini, P.; Maedche, A.
2023. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 16 (2). doi:10.16910/jemr.16.2.4
Gunklach, J.; Michalczyk, S.; Nadj, M.; Maedche, A.
2023. Datenbank-Spektrum, 23, 97–105. doi:10.1007/s13222-023-00448-z
Mueller, C.; Maedche, A.; Schwabe, G.; Ackerman, M.; Wulf, V.
2023. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 65 (3), 233–234. doi:10.1007/s12599-023-00797-9
Maedche, A.; Kohlrausch, B.
2023. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 65, 345–347. doi:10.1007/s12599-023-00809-8
Ludwig, T.; Weber, P.; Maedche, A.; Riener, A.
2023. i-com, 1–2. doi:10.1515/icom-2023-0010
Kruse, L. C.; Bergener, K.; Conboy, K.; Eriksson Lundström, J.; Mädche, A.; Sarker, S.; Seeber, I.; Stein, A.; Tømte, C. E.
2023. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 52, 556–570
Ingendahl, M.; Vogel, T.; Maedche, A.; Wänke, M.
2023. Psychology & Marketing, 40 (2), 274–287. doi:10.1002/mar.21770
Haug, S.; Benke, I.; Fischer, D.; Maedche, A.
2023. CHI ’23: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Hamburg Germany April 23 - 28, 2023. Ed.: A. Schmidt, Art.-Nr.: 553, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3544548.3580994
Gau, M.; Mädche, A.; Brocke, J. vom
2023. Design Science Research for a New Society: Society 5.0, Springer
Meza Martínez, M. A.; Mädche, A.
2023. Rising like a Phoenix: Emerging from the Pandemic and Reshaping Human Endeavors with Digital Technologies ICIS 2023, 1–17, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Langner, M.; Toreini, P.; Maedche, A.
2023. ETRA ’23: Proceedings of the 2023 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications. Ed.: E. Kasneci, Art.-Nr.: 46, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3588015.3590121
Benke, I.; Haug, S.; Maedche, A.
2023. Proceedings UCAI ’23: Workshop on User-Centered Artificial Intelligence at Mensch und Computer 2023
Schneegans, T.; Niclas, A.; Greiner, K.; Benke, I. Dr.; Mädche, A. Prof. Dr.; Beigl, M.
2023. Proceedings of the The 2nd EmpathiCH workshop (CHI2023)
Haug, S.; Sommerrock, S.; Benke, I.; Mädche, A.
2023. Mensch und Computer 2023, 91–100, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3603555.3603566
Schelhorn, T. C.; Gunklach, J.; Maedche, A.
2023. LWDA 2023 : Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen 2023. Ed.: M. Leyer, 14–27, RWTH Aachen
Schloß, D.; Gnewuch, U.; Mädche, A.
2023. 18th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, September 2023, Paderborn, Germany, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Liu, S.; Schulz, T.; Toreini, P.; Mädche, A.
2023. Mensch und Computer 2023, 349–353, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3603555.3608564
Leiser, F.; Eckhardt, S.; Knaeble, M.; Mädche, A.; Schwabe, G.; Sunyaev, A.
2023. Mensch und Computer 2023, 81–90, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Gau, M.; Maedche, A.; Brocke, J. vom
2023. Design Science Research for a New Society: Society 5.0 – 18th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2023, Pretoria, South Africa, May 31 – June 2, 2023, Proceedings. Ed.: A. Gerber, 266 – 278, Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-32808-4_17
Knaeble, M.; Nadj, M.; Germann, L.; Maedche, A.
2023. ECIS 2023 Proceedings
Ruoff, M.; Myers, B. A.; Maedche, A.
2023. CHI ’23: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Hamburg Germany April 23 - 28, 2023. Ed.: A. Schmidt, Art.-Nr.: 417, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3544548.3580964
Knaeble, M.; Sailer, G.; Chen, Z.; Schwarz, T.; Yang, K.; Nadj, M.; Stiefelhagen, R.; Maedche, A.
2023. W4A ’23: 20th International Web for All Conference Austin TX USA 30 April 2023- 1 May 2023, 173–174, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3587281.3587293
Kretzer, F.; Maedche, A.
2023. CHI EA ’23: Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Ed.: A. Schmidt, 1–6, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3544549.3585659
Liu, S.; Schulz, T.; Toreini, P.; Peukert, C.; Maedche, A.; Weinhardt, C.
2023, April 28. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2023), Hamburg, Germany, April 23–28, 2023
Schloß, D.; Gnewuch, U.; Maedche, A.
2023. Robotik in der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Hrsg.: S. D’Onofrio, 167–192, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-39621-3_9
Toreini, P.; Langner, M.; Maedche, A.; Morana, S.; Vogel, T.
2022. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 23 (2), 521–552. doi:10.17705/1jais.00732
Li, M. X.; Nadj, M.; Maedche, A.; Ifenthaler, D.; Wöhler, J.
2022. Technology, knowledge and learning, 27, 365–384. doi:10.1007/s10758-021-09569-4
Gnewuch, U.; Ruoff, M.; Peukert, C.; Maedche, A.
2022. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 64 (6), 813–823. doi:10.1007/s12599-022-00766-8
Gnewuch, U.; Morana, S.; Adam, M. T. P.; Maedche, A.
2022. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 64, 773–791. doi:10.1007/s12599-022-00755-x
Benke, I.; Gnewuch, U.; Maedche, A.
2022. Computers in human behavior, 129, Art.-Nr.: 107122. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2021.107122
Rietz, T.; Maedche, A.
2022. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 171, Art.-Nr.: 102969. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2022.102969
Feine, J.; Morana, S.; Maedche, A.
2022. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6 (CSCW2), Art.-Nr.: 308. doi:10.1145/3555199
Schick, A.; Feine, J.; Morana, S.; Maedche, A.; Reininghaus, U.
2022. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 10 (10), Art.-Nr.: e28082. doi:10.2196/28082
Dann, D.; Müller, R.; Werner, A.-C.; Teubner, T.; Mädche, A.; Spengel, C.
2022. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 20 (3), 409–439. doi:10.1007/s10257-022-00554-7
Benke, I.; Schneider, M.; Liu, X.; Mädche, A.
2022. Proceedings of the ACM on human-computer interaction, 6 (CSCW2), Art.-Nr.: 392. doi:10.1145/3555117
Benlian, A.; Wiener, M.; Cram, W. A.; Krasnova, H.; Maedche, A.; Möhlmann, M.; Recker, J.; Remus, U.
2022. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 64 (6), 825–839. doi:10.1007/s12599-022-00764-w
Spiekermann, S.; Krasnova, H.; Hinz, O.; Baumann, A.; Benlian, A.; Gimpel, H.; Heimbach, I.; Köster, A.; Maedche, A.; Niehaves, B.; Risius, M.; Trenz, M.
2022. Business & information systems engineering, 64 (2), 247–264. doi:10.1007/s12599-021-00734-8
Michalczyk, S.; Breitling, N.; Mädche, A.
2022. Intelligent Information Systems : CAiSE Forum 2022, Leuven, Belgium, June 6–10, 2022, Proceedings. Ed.: J. De Weerdt, 64–72, Springer
Langner, M.; Toreini, P.; Maedche, A.
2022. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, 30th April - 06th May 2022, New Orleans, 1–7, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3491101.3519792
Knaeble, M.; Nadj, M.; Maedche, A.
2022. CHI 2022 Workshop - Self-Determination Theory in HCI: Shaping a Research Agenda
Knaeble, M.; Nadj, M.; Maedche, A.; Loewe, N.
2022. CHI 2022 Workshop - REGROW: Reimagining Global Crowdsourcing for Better Human-AI Collaboration
Gnewuch, U.; Mädche, A.
2022. The Transdisciplinary Reach of Design Science Research – 17th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2022, St Petersburg, FL, USA, June 1–3, 2022, Proceedings. Ed.: A. Drechsler, 337–350, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-06516-3_25
Langner, M.; Aßfalg, N.; Toreini, P.; Maedche, A.
2022. 2022 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications. Ed.: F. Shic, Article no: 16, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3517031.3529776
Gau, M.; Greif-Winzrieth, A.; Mädche, A.
2022. Mensch und Computer 2022 – Workshopband, 04.-07. September 2022, Darmstadt. Ed.: K. Marky, Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI). doi:10.18420/muc2022-mci-ws05-314
Liu, S.; Toreini, P.; Maedche, A.
2022. Pfleging, B., Gerling, K. & Mayer, S. (Hrsg.), Mensch und Computer 2022 - Tagungsband, 495–500, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3543758.3547565
Zahn, E.; Benke, I.; Soellner, M.; Mädche, A.
2022. Proceedings of the 2022 AIS SIGED International Conference on Information Systems Education and Research
Seitz, J.; Maedche, A.
2022. Information Systems and Neuroscience : NeuroIS Retreat 2022. Ed.: F. D. Davis, 33–52, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-13064-9_4
Zahn, E.; Benke, I.; Soellner, M.; Mädche, A.
2022. Proceedings of the 2022 AIS SIGED International Conference on Information Systems Education and Research, 175–179, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Schloß, D.; Gnewuch, U.; Mädche, A.
2022. ICIS 2022 Proceedings. Bd.: 1, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Barth, S.; Langner, M.; Toreini, P.; Maedche, A.
2022. Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2022. Ed.: F. D. Davis, 89–96, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-13064-9_9
Scholch, L.; Steinhauser, J.; Beichter, M.; Seibold, C.; Yang, K.; Knaeble, M.; Schwarz, T.; Maedche, A.; Stiefelhagen, R.
2022. 2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 1607–1613, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ICPR56361.2022.9956453
Seitz, J.; Reuscher, T. F.; Jacob, S.; Maedche, A.
2022. NAT 2022 : The Third Neuroadaptive Technology Conference ; October 9 – October 12, 2022, Lübbenau, Germany. Ed.: O. Zander, 23–27
Hanschmann, L.; Gnewuch, U.; Mädche, A.
2022. Mensch und Computer 2022 - Tagungsband. Ed.: B. Pfleging, 495–500, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3543758.3547517
Knaeble, M.; Chen, Z.; Schwarz, T.; Sailer, G.; Yang, K.; Stiefelhagen, R.; Maedche, A.
2022. Computers Helping People with Special Needs – 18th International Conference, ICCHP-AAATE 2022, Lecco, Italy, July 11–15, 2022, Proceedings, Part I. Ed.: K. Miesenberger, 38–46, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-08648-9_6
Kuhlmeier, F. O.; Gnewuch, U.; Lüttke, S.; Brakemeier, E.-L.; Mädche, A.
2022. The Transdisciplinary Reach of Design Science Research – 17th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2022, St Petersburg, FL, USA, June 1–3, 2022, Proceedings. Ed.: A. Drechsler, 30–41, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-06516-3_3
Ruoff, M.; Myers, B. A.; Maedche, A.
2022. CHI EA ’22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts: April 30–May 5, 2022 ; New Orleans, LA, USA. Ed.: S. Barbosa, Art.-Nr.: 433, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3491101.3519793
Gau, M.; Maedche, A.; Brocke, J. vom
2022. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2022 Proceedings, 35, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Greif-Winzrieth, A.; Maedche, A.; Nieken, P.; Weinhardt, C.
2022, May 12. Forum Citizen Science (2022), Sankt Augustin, Germany, May 12–13, 2022
Werder, K.; Li, Y.; Maedche, A.; Ramesh, B.
2021. IEEE transactions on software engineering, 47 (4), 836–849. doi:10.1109/TSE.2019.2904571
Maedche, A.; Gregor, S.; Parsons, J.
2021. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 49 (Article 12/ Paper 14), 355–378. doi:10.17705/1CAIS.04914
Ingendahl, M.; Hummel, D.; Maedche, A.; Vogel, T.
2021. Journal of consumer behaviour, 20 (2), 324–336. doi:10.1002/cb.1861
Graupner, E.; Trenz, M.; Maedche, A.
2021. International Journal of Electronic Business, 16 (2), 118–146. doi:10.1504/IJEB.2021.115720
Michalczyk, S.; Nadj, M.; Beier, H.; Mädche, A.
2021. CAiSE ’21- 33rd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, MELBOURNE, 28 JUNE 2021 - 2 JULY 2021, 154–161. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-79108-7_18
Rietz, T.; Maedche, A.
2021. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2021) : Yokohama, Japan, Ed.: Y. Kitamura, Art.Nr. 394, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3411764.3445591
Benke, I.; Vetter, S.; Maedche, A.
2021. Companion Publication of the 2021 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. Ed.: J. Birnholtz, 19–22, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3462204.3481764
Brocke, J. vom; Gau, M.; Mädche, A.
2021. The Next Wave of Sociotechnical Design – 16th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2021, Kristiansand, Norway, August 4–6, 2021, Proceedings. Ed.: L. Chandra Kruse, 131–136, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-82405-1_15
Greif-Winzrieth, A.; Maedche, A.; Weinhardt, C.
2021. Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2021), June 14 - 16, 2021 - Marrackech, Morocco, Paper 1739
Michalczyk, S.; Nadj, M.; Mädche, A.; Gröger, C.
2021. ECIS 2021 Proceedings - European Conference on Information Systems. Human Values Crisis in a Digitizing World, Paper Number: 1622, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Foerste, M.; Nadj, M.; Knaeble, M.; Maedche, A.; Gehrmann, L.; Stahl, F.
2021. Mensch und Computer 2021 (MuC ’21), Ingolstadt, 5.-8.9.2021, 574–577, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3473856.3474027
Toreini, P.; Langner, M.; Vogel, T.; Maedche, A.
2021. Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2021. Ed.: F. D. Davis, 112–119, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-88900-5_13
Benke, I.; Heinzl, A.; Maedche, A.
2021. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 4-8, 2021. Ed.: T. X. Bui, 701–711, College of Education University of Hawaii at Manoa
Chandra-Kruse, L.; Seidel, S.; Maedche, A.
2021. ICIS 2021, Austin, Texas, Dec. 12-15, 2021, Paper Number 2115, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Jussupow, E.; Meza Martínez, M. A.; Mädche, A.; Heinzl, A.
2021. 42nd International Conference on Information Systems, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Seiffer, A.; Gnewuch, U.; Mädche, A.
2021. ICIS 2021 Proceedings, Austin, TX, Dec. 12-15, 2021, Paper No. 1358, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Haug, S.; Mädche, A.
2021. ICIS 2021 Proceedings, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Haug, S.; Maedche, A.
2021. Proceedings of the 34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3474349.3480224
Haug, S.; Rietz, T.; Maedche, A.
2021. Mensch und Computer 2021, MuC ’21, 5.-8.9.2021 Ingolstadt, 432–443, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3473856.3473873
Hummel, D.; Vogel, T.; Maedche, A.
2021. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2021 Proceedings, AIS eLibrary (AISeL). doi:10.1007/978-3-030-86790-4_12
Nadj, M.; Maedche, A.; Schieder, C.
2020. Decision support systems, 135, Art.Nr.: 113322. doi:10.1016/j.dss.2020.113322
Benke, I.; Knierim, M. T.; Maedche, A.
2020. Proceedings of the ACM on human-computer interaction, 4 (CSCW2), Article No.: 118. doi:10.1145/3415189
Nadj, M.; Knaeble, M.; Li, M. X.; Maedche, A.
2020. Künstliche Intelligenz, 34, 131–142. doi:10.1007/s13218-020-00634-1
Benke, I.; Feine, J.; Venable, J. R.; Maedche, A.
2020. AIS transactions on human-computer interaction, 12 (4), 206–227. doi:10.17705/1thci.00136
Liu, X.; Werder, K.; Maedche, A.
2020. Decision support systems, 137, 113367. doi:10.1016/j.dss.2020.113367
Rissler, R.; Nadj, M.; Li, M. X.; Loewe, N.; Knierim, M. T.; Maedche, A.
2020. IEEE transactions on affective computing, 14 (1), 463–474. doi:10.1109/TAFFC.2020.3045269
Brocke, J. vom; Winter, R.; Hevner, A.; Maedche, A.
2020. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 21 (3), Article 9/520–544. doi:10.17705/1jais.00611
Liu, X.; Werder, K.; Maedche, A.
2020. MethodsX, 7, Art.Nr. 101133. doi:10.1016/j.mex.2020.101133
Lauterbach, J.; Mueller, B.; Kahrau, F.; Maedche, A.
2020. MIS quarterly, 44 (3), 1023–1048. doi:10.25300/MISQ/2020/14583
Purao, S.; Kruse, L. C.; Maedche, A.
2020. Designing for Digital Transformation. Co-Creating Services with Citizens and Industry – 15th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2020, Kristiansand, Norway, December 2–4, 2020, Proceedings. Ed.: S. Hofmann, 183–194, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-64823-7_17
Feine, J.; Adam, M.; Benke, I.; Maedche, A.; Benlian, A.
2020. Designing for digital transformation : co-creating services with citizens and industry : 15th international conference on design science research in information systems and technology, DESRIST 2020, Kristiansand, Norway, December 2-4, 2020 : proceedings. Ed.: Sara Hofmann, 126–141, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-64823-7_13
Benke, I.; Guth, P.; Rietz, T.; Maedche, A.
2020. Proceedings der 15. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2020), Potsdam, 08.-11-03.2020
Michalczyk, S.; Nadj, M.; Azarfar, D.; Mädche, A.; Gröger, C.
2020. Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), An Online AIS Conference (Marrakesh, Marokko), June 15-17, 2020, Art.Nr. 46, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Gnewuch, U.; Yu, M.; Maedche, A.
2020. Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2020), AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Langner, M.; Toreini, P.; Maedche, A.
2020. Information Systems and Neuroscience : NeuroIS Retreat 2020, Virtual Conference, June 2-4, 2020, www.NeuroIS. Ed.: Fred D. Davis, 266–275, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-60073-0_31
Knaeble, M.; Nadj, M.; Maedche, A.
2020. 15. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2020), Potsdam, 9 - 11 März 2020, 2–16, GITO Verlag. doi:10.30844/wi_2020_a1-knaeble
Rietz, T.; Maedche, A.
2020. International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2020 - Making Digital Inclusive: Blending the Local and the Global, India, December 13-16, 2020. Ed.: Joey George, Paper 1830, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Feine, J.; Morana, S.; Maedche, A.
2020. Forty-First International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December 13-16, 2020, Art.-Nr.: 1870, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Feine, J.; Morana, S.; Maedche, A.
2020. MuC ’20: Proceedings of the Conference on Mensch und Computer, September 6–9, 2020, Magdeburg, Germany. Ed.: B. Preim, 333–341, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3404983.3405508
Ruoff, M.; Maedche, A.
2020, October 28. 31st IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (2020), Online, October 25–30, 2020
Rietz, T.; Toreini, P.; Maedche, A.
2020. ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2020), Online, October 20–23, 2020. doi:10.1145/3379350.3416195
Morana, S.; Mädche, A.
2020. Design Science Research. Cases. Ed.: J. v. Brocke, 177–203, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-46781-4_8
Mädche, A.
2019. Business & information systems engineering, 61 (2), 237–239. doi:10.1007/s12599-019-00585-4
Hevner, A.; Brocke, J. vom; Maedche, A.
2019. Business & information systems engineering, 61 (1), 3–8. doi:10.1007/s12599-018-0571-z
Brocke, J. vom; Mädche, A.
2019. Electronic markets, 29, 379–385. doi:10.1007/s12525-019-00358-7
Nadj, M.; Maedche, A.
2019. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making. doi:10.1177/1555343419830183
Morschheuser, B.; Hamari, J.; Maedche, A.
2019. International journal of human - computer studies, 127, 7–24. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2018.10.001
Benke, I.; Maedche, A.
2019. HMD, 56 (1), 50–69. doi:10.1365/s40702-018-00492-4
Maedche, A.
2019. Business & information systems engineering, 61 (6), 755–758. doi:10.1007/s12599-019-00616-0
Maedche, A.; Legner, C.; Benlian, A.; Berger, B.; Gimpel, H.; Hess, T.; Hinz, O.; Morana, S.; Söllner, M.
2019. Business & information systems engineering, (4), 1–10. doi:10.1007/s12599-019-00600-8
Feine, J.; Gnewuch, U.; Morana, S.; Maedche, A.
2019. International journal of human - computer studies, 132, 138–161. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2019.07.009
Morana, S.; Kroenung, J.; Maedche, A.; Schacht, S.
2019. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 20 (5), 499–535. doi:10.17705/1jais.00542
Hummel, D.; Maedche, A.
2019. Journal of behavioral and experimental economics, 80, 47–58. doi:10.1016/j.socec.2019.03.005
Rietz, T.; Benke, I.; Maedche, A.
2019. 14. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2019)
André, E.; Bayer, S.; Benke, I.; Benlian, A.; Cummins, N.; Gimpel, H.; Hinz, O.; Kersting, K.; Mädche, A.; Mühlhäuser, M.; Riemann, J.; Schuller, B. W.; Weber, K.
2019. AIS SIGPrag, Munich, 15-18 December 2019, 2019 pre-ICIS workshop proceedings "Values and Ethics in the Digital Age", Munich, 14.12.2019
Feine, J.; Gnewuch, U.; Morana, S.; Maedche, A.
2019. Chatbot Research and Design: Third International Workshop, CONVERSATIONS 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 19-20, 2019, Revised Selected Papers. Ed.: A. Følstad, 79–93, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-39540-7_6
Feine, J.; Morana, S.; Maedche, A.
2019. Extending the Boundaries of Design Science Theory and Practice – 14th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2019, Worcester, MA, USA, June 4–6, 2019, Proceedings. Ed.: B. Tulu, 76–91, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-19504-5_6
Maedche, A.; Gregor, S.; Morana, S.; Feine, J.
2019. Extending the Boundaries of Design Science Theory and Practice – 14th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2019, Worcester, MA, USA, June 4–6, 2019, Proceedings. Ed.: B. Tulu, 18–31, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-19504-5_2
Rietz, T.; Maedche, A.
2019. 27th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’19), Jeju Island, ROK, September 23-27, 2019, 357–362, IEEE Computer Society. doi:10.1109/RE.2019.00045
Liu, X.; He, S.; Maedche, A.
2019. ECIS 2019 proceedings . 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden, June 8-14, 2019. Research Papers, Paper: 152, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Meza Martínez, M. A.; Nadj, M.; Maedche, A.
2019. ECIS 2019 proceedings . 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden, June 8-14, 2019. Research Papers, Paper: 172, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Dann, D.; Maedche, A.; Teubner, T.; Mueller, B.; Meske, C.; Funk, B.
2019. 40th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2019), München, 15.-18. Dezember 2019, Art.-Nr.: 2785, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Gnewuch, U.; Morana, S.; Adam, M. T. P.; Maedche, A.
2019. JAIS Theory Development Workshop
Feine, J.; Morana, S.; Maedche, A.
2019. 40th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2019), München, 15.-18. Dezember 2019, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Benke, I.; Feine, J.; Venable, J. R.; Maedche, A.
2019. AIS SIGPrag, Munich, 15-18 December 2019, 2019 pre-ICIS workshop proceedings "Values and Ethics in the Digital Age", Munich, 14.12.2019
Miclaus, A.; Pescara, E.; Mädche, A.; Beigl, M.
2019. Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments - PETRA ’19, 382–388, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3316782.3322751
Gnewuch, U.; Heckmann, C.; Morana, S.; Maedche, A.
2019. Human practice, digital ecologies, our future : 14. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2019), Siegen, 23.02. - 27.02.2019. Ed.: L. Thomas, Universität Siegen
Toreini, P.; Langner, M.; Maedche, A.
2019. Information Systems and Neuroscience – NeuroIS Retreat 2019. Ed.: F. D. Davis, 261–270, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-28144-1_29
Morana, S.; Brocke, J. vom; Maedche, A.; Seidel, S.; Adam, M. T. P.; Bub, U.; Fettke, P.; Gau, M.; Herwix, A.; Mullarkey, M. T.; Nguyen, H. D.; Sjöström, J.; Toreini, P.; Wessel, L.; Winter, R.
2018. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 43 (Article 17), 239–256. doi:10.17705/1CAIS.04317
Haake, P.; Schacht, S.; Maedche, A.
2018. AIS Transactions on Replication Research, 4, 1–15. doi:10.17705/1atrr.00024
Brocke, J. vom; Maaß, W.; Buxmann, P.; Maedche, A.; Leimeister, J. M.; Pecht, G.
2018. Business & information systems engineering, 1–10. doi:10.1007/s12599-018-0544-2
Heckmann, C. S.; Maedche, A.
2018. Business process management journal, 24 (4), 862–881. doi:10.1108/BPMJ-04-2016-0078
Schloegel, U.; Stegmann, S.; Dick, R. van; Maedche, A.
2018. Information & software technology, 97, 146–162. doi:10.1016/j.infsof.2018.01.009
Werder, K.; Maedche, A.
2018. Information, technology & people, 31 (3), 819–844. doi:10.1108/ITP-04-2017-0125
Schloegel, U.; Stegmann, S.; Mädche, A.; Dick, R. van
2018. Information, technology & people, 31 (1), 41–62. doi:10.1108/ITP-07-2015-0186
Kretzer, M.; Maedche, A.
2018. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 19 (12), Article: 4. doi:10.17705/1jais.00523
Fleig, C.; Augenstein, D.; Mädche, A.
2018. Business Process Management Forum: BPM Forum 2018. Sydney, NSW, Australia, September 9-14, 2018. Proceedings. Ed.: Mathias Weske, 228–244, Springer Nature. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-98651-7_14
Fleig, C.; Augenstein, D.; Mädche, A.
2018. 16th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM), Sydney, AUS, September 9-14, 2018
Fleig, C.; Augenstein, D.; Maedche, A.
2018. CAiSE Forum 2018 - Information Systems in the Big Data Era - International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Tallinn, Estonia, 11-15 June 2018. Ed.: J. Mendling, 105–113, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-92901-9_10
Fleig, C.; Augenstein, D.; Maedche, A.
2018. CAiSE Forum 2018 - Information Systems in the Big Data Era - International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Tallinn, EST, June 11-15, 2018. Ed.: J. Mendling, 90–104, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-92901-9_9
Haake, P.; Kaufmann, J.; Baumer, M.; Burgmaier, M.; Eichhorn, K.; Mueller, B.; Maedche, A.
2018. Advanced Information Systems Engineering. CAiSE 2018. Ed.: J. Krogstie, 87–102, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-91563-0_6
Rissler, R.; Nadj, M.; Li, M. X.; Knierim, M. T.; Maedche, A.
2018. Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Montréal, Canada, 21st - 26th April 2018, Art.Nr. LBW612, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3170427.3188480
Gnewuch, U.; Morana, S.; Heckmann, C.; Maedche, A.
2018. Designing for a Digital and Globalized World: 13th International Conference, Proceedings, DESRIST 2018, Chennai, India, June 3-6, 2018. Ed.: S. Chatterjee, 18–33, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-91800-6_2
Augenstein, D.; Fleig, C.; Mädche, A.
2018. Designing for a Digital and Globalized World: 13th International Conference, DESRIST 2018, Chennai, IND, June 3-6, 2018, Proceedings. Ed.: S. Chatterjee, 205–217, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-91800-6_14
Abrahamsson, P.; Bosch, J.; Brinkkemper, S.; Mädche, A.
2018. Dagstuhl Reports, Report from Dagstuhl Seminar 18182 “Software Business, Platforms, and Ecosystems: Fundamentals of Software Production Research”, April 29 – May 2, 2018, 164–198, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (LZI). doi:10.4230/DagRep.8.4.164
Knaeble, M.; Nadj, M.; Maedche, A.
2018. 13th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST), Chennai, IND, June 3-6, 2018, 1–15
Hummel, D.; Toreini, P.; Maedche, A.
2018. 13th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST), Chennai, India, 3rd – 6th June, 2018, 1–8
Liu, X.; Leung, E. T.-M.; Toreini, P.; Maedche, A.
2018. International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST) - Designing for a Digital and Globalized World, Chennai, India, June 3–6, 2018, 34–48, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-91800-6_3
Toreini, P.; Langner, M.; Maedche, A.
2018. 26th European Conference on Information Systems: Beyond Digitization - Facets of Socio-Technical Change, ECIS 2018, Portsmouth, UK, June 23-28, 2018. Ed.: U. Frank, Code 143975, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Gnewuch, U.; Morana, S.; Adam, M. T. P.; Maedche, A.
2018. 26th European Conference on Information Systems: Beyond Digitization - Facets of Socio-Technical Change, ECIS 2018, Portsmouth, UK, June 23-28, 2018. Ed.: U. Frank, Code 143975
Toreini, P.; Langner, M.; Maedche, A.
2018. 10th ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, ETRA 2018; Warsaw; Poland; 14 June 2018 through 17 June 2018, Art. Nr.: a92, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3204493.3208348
Hummel, D.; Herbertz, S.; Mädche, A.
2018. Proceedings of 4th Gender and IT Conference (GenderIT’18), Heilbronn, 14.-15. Mai 2018, 199–208, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3196839.3196870
Gnewuch, U.; Morana, S.; Adam, M. T. P.; Maedche, A.
2018. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 13th , 2018
Toreini, P.; Benke, I.; Langner, M.; Schaumann, S.; Schwarzenboeck, J.; Bamberger, C.; Maedche, A.
2018. SIGHCI 2018 Proceedings - HCI/MIS Workshop 2018 - The 17th Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, San Francisco, California, December 13, 2018, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Haake, P.; Schacht, S.; Mueller, B.; Lauterbach, J.; Maedche, A.
2018. 26th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2018; Portsmouth; United Kingdom; 23 June 2018 through 28 June 2018. Ed.: U. Frank, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Legner, C.; Eymann, T.; Hess, T.; Matt, C.; Böhmann, T.; Drews, P.; Mädche, A.; Urbach, N.; Ahlemann, F.
2017. Business & information systems engineering, 59 (4), 301–308. doi:10.1007/s12599-017-0484-2
Maedche, A.
2017. Business & information systems engineering, 59 (4), 297–300. doi:10.1007/s12599-017-0476-2
Morschheuser, B.; Riar, M.; Hamari, J.; Mädche, A.
2017. Computers in human behavior, 77, 169–183. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2017.08.026
Morana, S.; Schacht, S.; Scherp, A.; Maedche, A.
2017. Decision support systems, 97, 31–42. doi:10.1016/j.dss.2017.03.003
Morschheuser, B.; Hamari, J.; Koivisto, J.; Maedche, A.
2017. International journal of human - computer studies, 106, 26–43. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2017.04.005
Haake, P.; Schacht, S.; Mueller, B.; Maedche, A.
2017. HMD, 54 (3), 1–14. doi:10.1365/s40702-017-0304-7
Li, Y.; Rau, P.-L. P.; Li, H.; Maedche, A.
2017. IEEE transactions on professional communication, 60 (1), 56–75. doi:10.1109/TPC.2016.2632842
Brocke, J. vom; Fettke, P.; Gau, M.; Houy, C.; Maedche, A.; Morana, S.; Seidel, S.
2017. SSRN, 1–13. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2972803
Rissler, R.; Nadj, M.; Maedche, A.; Koppenhagen, N.
2017. Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management, 9 (6), 12–21. doi:10.1007/s35764-017-0116-0
Morana, S.; Friemel, C.; Gnewuch, U.; Maedche, A.; Pfeiffer, J.
2017. Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management, 9 (5), 42–51. doi:10.1007/s35764-017-0101-7
Schacht, S.; Morana, S.; Maedche, A.
2017. Wissenschaft trifft Praxis, (6), 30–36
Brocke, J. vom; Hevner, A. R.; Mädche, A.
2017. Business & information systems engineering, 59 (4), 309–310. doi:10.1007/s12599-017-0479-z
Morschheuser, B.; Maedche, A.; Walter, D.
2017. Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2017), February 25 - March 01, 2017, Portland, OR, USA, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/2998181.2998272
Hummel, D.; Schacht, S.; Mädche, A.
2017. Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), June 5-10 2017, Guimarães, Portugal
Rissler, R.; Nadj, M.; Adam, M.; Mädche, A.
2017. Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Guimarães, Portugal, 5-10 June 2017, 1950–1967, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Bergmann, N.; Schacht, S.; Gnewuch, U.; Maedche, A.
2017. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, ROK, December 10-13, 2017. Research-in-Progress Papers., AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Gnewuch, U.; Morana, S.; Maedche, A.
2017. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Seoul, ROK, December 10-13, 2017. Research-in-Progress Papers., AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Knierim, M. T.; Rissler, R.; Dorner, V.; Maedche, A.; Weinhardt, C.
2017. Information Systems and Neuroscience - Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2017. Ed.: F. D. Davis, 109–120, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-67431-5_13
Haake, P.; Schacht, S.; Mueller, B.; Maedche, A.
2017. 13. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2017), St. Gallen, Switzerland, 12.02. - 15.02.2017. Ed.: J.M. Leimeister, 529–543
Hummel, D.; Schacht, S.; Mädche, A.
2017. 13th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik 2017 (WI-2017), St. Gallen, 12-15 February 2017, 619–633
Augenstein, D.; Mädche, A.
2017. International Conference on Information Systems Proceedings, ICIS 2017, Seoul, South Korea, 10th - 13th December 2017
Friemel, C.; Morana, S.; Pfeiffer, J.; Maedche, A.
2017. Ed.: F. Davis Information Systems and Neuroscience. Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2017. Ed.: F. Davis, 37–46, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-67431-5_5
Morana, S.; Kroenung, J.; Maedche, A.
2017. 13. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2017), St. Gallen, Schweiz, 12. - 15. Februar 2017, 1021–1035, St. Gallen
Kahrau, F.; Mueller, B.; Lauterbach, J.; Maedche, A.
2017. 5th International Workshop on the Changing Nature of Work (CNoW): Transforming Work with Digital Innovation, Seoul, 10 December 2017
Maedche, A.; Brocke, J. vom; Hevner, A. (Eds.)
2017. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-59144-5
Maedche, A.; Brocke, J. vom; Hevner, A. (Eds.)
2017. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Adam, M. T. P.; Gimpel, H.; Maedche, A.; Riedl, R.
2016. Business & information systems engineering, 59 (4), 277–291. doi:10.1007/s12599-016-0451-3
Mädche, A.; Morana, S.; Schacht, S.; Werth, D.; Krumeich, J.
2016. Business & information systems engineering (1867-0202, 2363-7005), 58 (5), 367–370. doi:10.1007/s12599-016-0444-2
Mädche, A.
2016. Business & information systems engineering, 58 (4), 287–289. doi:10.1007/s12599-016-0437-1
Berner, M.; Augustine, J.; Mädche, A.
2016. Business & information systems engineering, 58 (1), 31–42. doi:10.1007/s12599-015-0414-0
Hadasch, F.; Mädche, A.; Shirley, G.
2016. Business process management journal, 22 (3), 458–483. doi:10.1108/BPMJ-05-2015-0067
Botzenhardt, A.; Li, Y.; Maedche, A.
2016. Journal of electronic commerce research, 17 (3), 220–238
Koppenhagen, N.; Müller, B.; Mädche, A.; Li, Y.; Hiller, S.
2016. Information systems and e-business management, 14 (3), 613–636. doi:10.1007/s10257-015-0296-1
Schloegel, U.; Stegmann, S.; Maedche, A.; Dick, R. van
2016. The journal of systems and software, 121, 1–15. doi:10.1016/j.jss.2016.07.041
Mädche, A.; Sure-Vetter, Y.; Wiesehöfer, G.
2016. LookKIT, (3), 26–29
Volmering, T.; Nadj, M.; Trump, R.; Maedche, A.
2016. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference, BPM 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 18-22, 2016, 1–13, Springer
Feil, S.; Kretzer, M.; Werder, K.; Maedche, A.
2016. CSCW ’16 Companion: Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion, San Francisco, California, USA, February 27-March 2, 2016, 253–256, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/2818052.2869079
Gregor, S.; Maedche, A.; Morana, S.; Schacht, S.
2016. Breakthroughs and Emerging Insights from Ongoing Design Science Projects: Research-in-progress papers and poster presentations from the 11th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST) 2016. St. John, Canada, 23-25 May. Ed.: J. Parsons, 43–50
Morana, S.; Schacht, S.; Mädche, A.
2016. Tackling Society’s Grand Challenges with Design Science : 11th International Conference, DESRIST 2016, St. John’s, NL, Canada, May 23-25, 2016, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-39294-3_6
Nadj, M.; Jegadeesan, H.; Maedche, A.; Hoffmann, D.; Erdmann, P.
2016. Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Information Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, June 12-15, 2016, 1–10
Liu, X.; Werder, K.; Mädche, A.
2016. 37th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2016), Dublin, Ireland,11th - 14th December 2016, 1834–1845, Curran
Nadj, M.; Haeußler, F.; Wenzel, S.; Maedche, A.
2016. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2016, Technische Universität Ilmenau, 09.-11. März 2016, Band 3. Hrsg.: V. Nissen, 1367–1378, Universitätsverlag Ilmenau
Hummel, D.; Schacht, S.; Mädche, A.
2016. Human Behavior in IS. 37th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dublin, Ireland, December 11-14, 2016, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Gnewuch, U.; Haake, P.; Mueller, B.; Maedche, A.
2016. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2016, December 11-14, 2016, Dublin
Haake, P.; Morana, S.; Schacht, S.; Zhou-Hartmann, L.; Maedche, A.
2016. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2016, December 11-14, 2016, Dublin
Werder, K.; Zobel, B.; Maedche, A.
2016. Software Business : Proceedings of the 7th International Conference, ICSOB 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 13-14, 2016. Ed. A. Maglyas, 47–62, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-40515-5_4
Dorner, V.; Morana, S.; Maedche, A.; Weinhardt, C.
2016. INFORMATIK 2016 : Informatik von Menschen für Menschen, 46. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, 26.-30. September 2016, Klagenfurt. Hrsg.: H. C. Mayr, Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)
Abdelaziz, D.; Heckmann, C. S.; Mädche, A.
2016. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, MKWI 2016, Band III, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Deutschland, 09. - 11. März 2016. Hrsg.: V. Nissen, 1479–1490, Universitätsverlag
Abdelaziz, D.; Heckmann, C.; Mädche, A.
2016. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2016, Technische Universität Ilmenau, 09.-11. März 2016, Band 3. Hrsg.: V. Nissen, 1479–1488, Universitätsverlag
Haake, P.; Schacht, S.; Lauterbach, J.; Mueller, B.; Koegel, C.; Maedche, A.
2016. Proceedings of the 26th Annual SIGADIT-Workshop, December 11-14, 2016, Dublin
Schacht, S.; Mädche, A.
2016. Innovations in Knowledge Management. The Impact of Social Media, Semantic Web and Cloud Computing. Ed.: L. Razmerita, 19–44, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-47827-1_2
Graupner, E.; Mädche, A.
2015. International Journal of Electronic Business, 12 (4), 364–379. doi:10.1504/IJEB.2015.074613
Lauterbach, J.; Mädche, A.; Müller, B.
2015. Bankmagazin, 64 (10), 42–45
Mädche, A.
2015. Business & information systems engineering, 57 (1), 83–85. doi:10.1007/s12599-014-0359-8
Gaß, O.; Ortbach, K.; Kretzer, M.; Mädche, A.; Niehaves, B.
2015. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 37 (1), 64–88
Schacht, S.; Reindl, A.; Morana, S.; Maedche, A.
2015. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 52 (6), 878–890. doi:10.1365/s40702-015-0176-7
Brhel, M.; Meth, H.; Mädche, A.; Werder, K.
2015. Information & software technology, 61, 163–181. doi:10.1016/j.infsof.2015.01.004
Meth, H.; Mueller, B.; Mädche, A.
2015. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 16 (9), 799–837
Schacht, S.; Morana, S.; Maedche, A.
2015. Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 16 (3), 5 – 36
Gaß, O.; Ortbach, K.; Mädche, A.; Bär, H.
2015. Praeview : Zeitschrift für innovative Arbeitsgestaltung und Prävention, 6 (1), 12–13
Morana, S.; Gerards, T.; Mädche, A.
2015. New Horizons in Design Science : Broadening the Research Agenda, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, DESRIST 2015, Dublin, Ireland, 20th - 22nd May 2015. Ed.: B. Donnellan, 406–410, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-18714-3_32
Morana, S.; Schacht, S.; Gerards, T.; Mädche, A.
2015. At the Vanguard of Design Science : First Impressions and Early Findings from Ongoing Research : 10th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST), Dublin, Ireland, 20th - 22nd May 2015. Ed.: B. Donnellan, 109–116, University College
Berner, M.; Gansen, J.; Mädche, A.
2015. At the Vanguard of Design Science: First Impressions and Early Findings from Ongoing Research. 10th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST), Dublin, Ireland, 20-22 May 2015. Ed.: B. Donnellan, 117–124, University College
Nadj, M.; Morana, S.; Mädche, A.
2015. At the Vanguard of Design Science: First Impressions and Early Findings from Ongoing Research. 10th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST), Dublin, Ireland, 20-22 May 2015. Ed.: B. Donnellan, 33–40, University College
Kretzer, M.; Kleinedler, M.; Theilemann, C.; Mädche, A.
2015. New Horizons in Design Science: Broadening the Research Agenda. 10th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST), Dublin, Ireland, May 20-22, 2015. Ed.: B. Donnellan, 87–103, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-18714-3_6
Gaß, O.; Öztürk, G.; Schacht, S.; Mädche, A.
2015. New Horizons in Design Science: Broadening the Research Agenda. 10th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST), Dublin, Ireland, May 20-22, 2015. Ed.: B. Donnellan, 3–18, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-18714-3_1
Graupner, E.; Melchner, F.; Demers, D.; Mädche, A.
2015. 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015), Completed Research Papers, Fürstenberghaus, Germany, 26th - 29th May 2015, Art.Nr. 61, AIS eLibrary (AISeL). doi:10.18151/7217332
Graupner, E.; Schewer, C.; Mädche, A.
2015. 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015) , Münster, Germany, 26th - 29th May 2015, AIS eLibrary (AISeL). doi:10.18151/7217331
Graupner, E.; Melcher, F.; Demers, D.; Mädche, A.
2015. 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Münster, Germany, May 26-29, 2015, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Kretzer, M.; Nadj, M.; Mädche, A.
2015. ICIS 2015 Proceedings : 36th International Conference on Information Systems: Exploring the Information Frontier, Fort Worth, United States, December 13-16, 2015, 1–12, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Morana, S.; Schacht, S.; Scherp, A.; Mädche, A.
2015. Building a Better World through Information Systems : 35th International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2014, Volume 4, Auckland, New Zealand, 14th - 17th December 2014, 2398–2416, Curran
Haake, P.; Lauterbach, J.; Mueller, B.; Maedche, A.
2015. ICIS 2015 Proceedings : 36th International Conference on Information Systems, Fort Worth, United States, December 13-16, 2015, 1–12, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Schacht, S.; Morana, S.; Urbach, N.; Maedche, A.
2015. Thirty Sixth International Conference on Information Systems, December 13-16, 2015, Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Kretzer, M.; Mädche, A.
2015. Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2015, Fort Worth, Texas, 13th - 16th December 2015
Shah, F. A.; Kretzer, M.; Mädche, A.
2015. ICIS 2015 Proceedings : 36th International Conference on Information Systems: Exploring the Information Frontier, Fort Worth, United States, December 13-16, 2015, 1–20, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Kretzer, M.; Mädche, A.
2015. ICIS 2015 Proceedings : 36th International Conference on Information Systems: Exploring the Information Frontier, Fort Worth, United States, December 13-16, 2015, 1–17, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Lauterbach, J.; Kahrau, F.; Müller, B.; Mädche, A.
2015. Building a better world through information systems : 35th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Auckland, New Zealand, 14-17 December 2014. Vol.: 3, 1893–1913, Curran
Kretzer, M.; Gaß, O.; Mädche, A.
2015. Smart enterprise engineering. 12. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), Osnabrück, 4. bis 6. März 2015. Ed.: O. Thomas, 675–690, Universität Osnabrück
Graupner, E.; Urbitsch, E.; Mädche, A.
2015. Smart Enterprise Engineering. 12. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), Osnabrück, 4.-6. März 2015. Ed.: O. Thomas, 557–571, Universität Osnabrück
Morana, S.; Schacht, S.; Gerards, T.; Mädche, A.
2015. OASIS Pre-ICIS Workshop 2015, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, 12th December 2015
Schacht, S.; Mädche, A.
2015. Gamification in Education and Business. Ed.: T. Reiners, 593–614, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-10208-5_30
Niehaves, B.; Mädche, A.; Köffer, S.; Schacht, S.; Ortbach, K.; Gaß, O.; Walter, N.
2015. Exploring Demographics. Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven zur Innovationsfähigkeit im demografischen Wandel. Ed.: S. Jeschke, 619–629, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-08791-3_56
Mädche, A.
2014. Business & information systems engineering, 6 (6), 365–366. doi:10.1007/s12599-014-0355-z
Gaß, O.; Meth, H.; Mädche, A.
2014. IEEE Internet Computing, 18 (1), 56–64. doi:10.1109/MIC.2014.12
Berner, M.; Graupner, E.; Mädche, A.
2014. Journal of organization design, 3 (1), 14–19. doi:10.7146/jod.9736
Mädche, A.; Wruk, D.
2014. Wissenschaft trifft Praxis, 1, 6–17
Mädche, A.; Wallach, D.
2014. Wissenschaft trifft Praxis, 1, 24–30
Kretzer, M.; Mädche, A.; Gaß, O.
2014. Smart Sustainability - The Information Systems Opportunity : Proceedings of the 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2014, Savannah, Georgia, USA, 7th - 9th August 2014, 1987–1998, Curran
Graupner, E.; Berner, M.; Mädche, A.; Jegadeesan, H.
2014. Business Process Management : 12th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM), Haifa, Israel, 7th - 11th September 2014. Ed.: S. Sadiq, 383–391, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-10172-9_26
Schacht, S.; Morana, S.; Mädche, A.
2014. ECIS 2014 Proceedings : 22th European Conference on Information Systems, Tel Aviv, Israel, 9th - 11th June 2014. Ed.: M. Avital, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Lauterbach, J.; Kahrau, F.; Müller, B.; Mädche, A.
2014. 35th International Conference on Information Systems, Auckland, New Zealand, 14th - 17th December 2014
Graupner, E.; Berner, M.; Mädche, A.; Jegadeesan, H.
2014. MKWI 2014 - Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, Paderborn, Deutschland, 26th - 28th Februar 2014, 154–166, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Kretzer, M.; Mädche, A.
2014. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), Paderborn, Germany, 26.-28. Februar 2014. Ed.: D. Kundisch, 207–220, Universität Paderborn
Graupner, E.; Berner, M.; Mädche, A.; Jegadeesan, H.
2014. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), Paderborn, Germany, 26. - 28. Februar 2014. Ed.: D. Kundisch, 154–166, Universität Paderborn
Werder, K.; Haake, P.; Mädche, A.
2014. Mensch und Computer 2014 - Tagungsband, 14. Fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien : Interaktiv unterwegs, Freiräume gestalten, München, Deutschland, 31. August - 3. September 2014. Hrsg.: A. Butz, 185–194, De Gruyter
Werder, K.; Haake, P.; Mädche, A.
2014. Mensch und Computer, 14. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien, interaktiv unterwegs - Freiräume gestalten, München, Germany, 31. August - 3. September 2014. Ed.: M. Koch, 185–194, De Gruyter
Meth, H.; Brhel, M.; Mädche, A.
2013. Information and Software Technology, 55 (10), 1695–1709. doi:10.1016/j.infsof.2013.03.008
Meth, H.; Mädche, A.; Einöder, M.
2013. 25th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE); Valencia; Spain; June 17 - 21, 2013. Ed.: C. Salinesi, 578–593, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-38709-8_37
Morana, S.; Schacht, S.; Scherp, A.; Mädche, A.
2013. Design science at the intersection of physical and virtual design : 8th international conference ; proceedings, DESRIST 2013, Helsinki, Finland, June 11 - 12, 2013. Ed.: J. vom Brocke, 494–501, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-38827-9_42
Schacht, S.; Mädche, A.
2013. Design Science at the Intersection of Physical and Virtual Design : 8th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST), Helsinki, Finland, June 11-12, 2013. Ed.: J. vom Brocke, 1–17, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-38827-9_1
Gaß, O.; Mädche, A.; Biegel, H.; Li, M.
2013. Design Science at the Intersection of Physical and Virtual Design, 8th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST), Helsinki, Finland, June 11-12, 2013. Ed.: J. Brocke, 18–33, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-38827-9_2
Kahrau, F.; Mädche, A.
2013. ECIS 2013 Proceedings : 21st European Conference on Information Systems, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 5th - 8th June 2013, Art.Nr. 195, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Li, Y.; Mädche, A.
2013. Digital Innovation in the Service Economy. 33th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Orlando, USA, December 16-19, 2012. Vol.: 5, 4438–4449, Red Hook. doi:10.7801/61
Heckmann, C. S.; Mädche, A.
2013. Software Business. From Physical Products to Software Services and Solutions. 4th International Conference (ICSOB) Potsdam, Germany, June 11-14, 2013. Ed.: G. Herzwurm, 207–211, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-39336-5_20
Britsch, J.; Schacht, S.; Mädche, A.
2012. Business & information systems engineering, 4 (2), 85–87. doi:10.1007/s12599-012-0208-6
Mädche, A.
2012. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 54 (3), 169–171. doi:10.1007/s11576-012-0316-4
Mädche, A.; Botzenhardt, A.; Meth, H.
2012. Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 41 (8/9), 1074–1077
Gaß, O.; Koppenhagen, N.; Biegel, H.; Maedche, A.; Müller, B.
2012. Design Science Research in Information Systems. Advances in Theory and Practice : 7th International Conference (DESRIST), Las Vegas, USA, May 14-15, 2012. Ed.: K. Peffers, 328–344, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29863-9_24
Meth, H.; Mädche, A.; Einöder, M.
2012. 4th ACM SIGCHI (EICS) Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 25–28, 2012, 205–210, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/2305484.2305518
Koppenhagen, N.; Katz, N.; Mädche, A.; Müller, B.
2012. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Shanghai, China, 4-7 December 2011. Vol. 5, 3635–3653, Curran
Schacht, S.; Botzenhardt, A.; Mädche, A.
2012. 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences : (HICSS) ; Maui, USA, 4-7 January 2012. Ed.: R. Sprague, 21–30, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/HICSS.2012.122
Berner, M.; Graupner, E.; Mädche, A.; Müller, B.
2012. Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2012, Orlando, USA, 16th - 19th December 2012., Art.Nr. 52, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Meth, H.; Li, Y.; Mädche, A.; Müller, B.
2012. ICIS 2012 : Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Information Systems, Orlando, Florida, 16th - 19th December 2012, Art.Nr. 3, AIS eLibrary (AISeL)
Botzenhardt, A.; Meth, H.; Mädche, A.
2012. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) : Shanghai, China, 4-7 December 2011. Vol.: 3, 2310–2327, Curran
Meth, H.; Li, Y.; Mädche, A.; Müller, B.
2012. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), JAIS Theory Development Workshop, Orlando, USA, 16th - 19th December 2012. Ed.: F. Joey, Weatherhead School of Management
Atkinson, C.; Gerbig, R.; Barth, F.; Freiling, F.; Schinzel, S.; Hadasch, F.; Maedche, A.; Müller, B.
2012. 16th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops (EDOCW), Third International Workshop on Models and Model-driven Methods for Service Engineering (3M4SE), Beijing, China, 10th - 14th September 2012. Ed.: C. Chi, 11–18, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/EDOCW.2012.12
Scheiber, F.; Wruk, D.; Oberg, A.; Britsch, J.; Woywode, M.; Maedche, A.; Kahrau, F.; Meth, H.; Wallach, D.; Plach, M.
2012. Software for people : fundamentals, trends and best practices. Ed.: A. Mädche, 39–52, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-31371-4_3
Mädche, A.; Botzenhardt, A.; Neer, L.
2012. Software for people : fundamentals, trends and best practices. Ed.: A. Mädche, 1–8, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-31371-4_1
Mädche, A.; Botzenhardt, A.; Schacht, S.
2011. Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 40 (8/9), 1067–1070
Gaß, O.; Mädche, A.
2011. Proceedings of the 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Detroit, Michigan, USA, 4th - 8th August 2011. Bd.: 3, 1981–1990, Curran
Botzenhardt, A.; Mädche, A.; Witt, A.
2011. Proceedings of the 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Detroit, Michigan, USA, 4th - 8th August 2011. Vol. 3, 2439–2449, Curran
Hadasch, F.; Müller, B.; Mädche, A.
2011. Profit vs. Privacy - Advanced targeted advertising for social networks, 6th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Limassol, Cyprus, 3th - 5th September 2011. Ed.: C. Kahl, Art.Nr. 126
Gass, O.; Krammer, C.; Mädche, A.
2011. 10th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Zürich, Switzerland, 16.-18. February 2011. Ed. A. Bernstein. Vol.: 1, 48–57, Lulu
Botzenhardt, A.; Mädche, A.; Wiesner, J.
2011. 5th International Workshop on Software Product Management (IWSPM), Trento, Italy, 30th August 2011, 7–16, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/IWSPM.2011.6046207
Beimborn, D.; Mädche, A.; Müller, B.
2011. Informatik 2011 : Informatik schafft Communities; 4.-7.10.2011, Berlin, Germany. Ed.: H. Heiss, 419–420, Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)
Mädche, A.
2010. 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Lima, Peru, August 12-15, 2010, 1–9, Curran
Schacht, S.; Mädche, A.
2010. 11th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM) Famalicão, Portugal, 2 - 3 September 2010. Ed.: E. Tomé. Vol.: 2, 1234–1237, Academic Publ
Koppenhagen, N.; Mädche, A.
2010. Pre-ICIS, Workshop on Enterprise Systems, Saint Louis, USA, 11.12.2010
Meth, H.; Mädche, A.
2010. Business Intelligence im Spannungsfeld von Effizienz und Agilität : Zweites Forschungskolloquium Business Intelligence (FKBI), Dresden, 17.-18. September 2010. Ed.: H. Baars, 39–44, RWTH Aachen
Schacht, S.; Mädche, A.
2010. 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Funchal, Portugal, June 8-12, 2010. Ed.: J. Filipe. Vol. 3: Information systems analysis and specification, 456–459, SciTePress
Krammer, C.; Mädche, A.
2010. Artificial intelligence and decision support systems. 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS) : Funchal, Portugal, June 8-12, 2010. Ed.: J. Filipe. Vol. 2, 232–237, SciTePress. doi:10.5220/0002899302320237
Gaß, O.; Mädche, A.
2010. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2010 : Göttingen, 23. - 25. Februar 2010. Ed.: M. Schumann, 1661–1670, Univ.-Verl
Botzenhardt, A.; Mädche, A.; Schlögel, C.
2010. 4th International Workshop on Software Product Management (IWSPM), Sydney, Australia, 27. September 2010, 1–6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/IWSPM.2010.5623870
Botzenhardt, A.; Mädche, A.
2010. 4th International Workshop on Software Product Management (IWSPM), Sydney, Australia, 27. September 2010, 26–29, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/IWSPM.2010.5623869
Mädche, A.
2004. International journal of intelligent systems in accounting, finance and management, 12 (3), 215–225. doi:10.1002/isaf.230
Kavalec, M.; Mädche, A.; Svátek, V.
2004. 30th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM), Měřín, Czech Republic, 24th - 30th January 2004. Ed.: P. Emde Boas, 249–256, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-24618-3_21
Weiß, P.; Mädche, A.
2004. Processes and Foundations for Virtual Organizations : IFIP TC5 / WG5.5, 4th Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE 2003), Lugano, Switzerland, 29th - 31st October 2003. Ed.: L. M. Camarinha-Matos, 297–304, Springer US. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-35704-1_31
Mädche, A.; Motik, B.; Stojanovic, L.
2003. The VLDB journal, 12 (4), 286–302. doi:10.1007/s00778-003-0102-4
Weiß, P.; Mädche, A.
2003. Enhanced Interoperable Systems & Advanced Design, Production and Management Systems. The Vision for the Future Generation in Research and Applications. 10th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering : Research and Applications, 26-30 July 2003, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. Ed.: J. Cha, 907–914, Balkema
Razmerita, L.; Angehrn, A.; Mädche, A.
2003. User Modeling : 9th International Conference (UM), Johnstown, USA, June 22–26, 2003. Ed.: P. Brusilovsky, 213–217, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/3-540-44963-9_29
Mädche, A.; Motik, B.; Stojanovic, L.; Studer, R.; Volz, R.
2003. Proceedings of the tracks: education, global community, industrial, practice and experience, web services. 12th International World Wide Web Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 20 - 24 May 2003, 439–448. doi:10.1145/775152.775215
Maedche, A.; Ehrig, M.; Stojanovic, L.; Handschuh, S.; Volz, R.
2003. 11th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), Hawaii, Honolulu, USA, May 07-11, 2002
Mädche, A.; Pekar, V.; Staab, S.
2003. Web Intelligence. Ed.: N. Zhong, 301–319, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-05320-1_14
Mädche, A.
2002. Karlsruher Transfer, 15 (27), 26–29
Stojanovic, L.; Mädche, A.; Motik, B.; Stojanovic, N.
2002. Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Ontologies and the Semantic Web (EKAW), 13th International Conference, Sigüenza, Spain, October 1–4, 2002. Ed.: A. Gomez-Perez, 285–300, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/3-540-45810-7_27
Maedche, A.; Staab, S.
2002. Knowledge engineering and knowledge management. Ontologies and the semantic web. 13th International Conference (EKAW), Sigüenza, Spain, October 1 - 4, 2002. Ed.: A. Gómez-Pérez., 251–263, Springer-Verlag
Mädche, A.; Motik, B.; Stojanovic, L.; Studer, R.; Volz, R.
2002. IFIP 17th World Computer Congress. Intelligent information processing : TC12 Stream on Intelligent Information Processing, August 25-30, 2002, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Ed.: M. Musen, 51–63, Kluwer Academic Publ
Motik, B.; Mädche, A.; Volz, R.
2002. 10th Int. Conference on Cooperative Information Systems, CoopIS 2002, Jointly with the 4th Int. Symp. on, DOA 2002 and the 1st Int. Conf. on Ontologies, Databases, and Applications of Semantics for Large-Scale Information Systems, ODBASE 2002; Irvine, CA; United States; 30 October 2002 through 1 November 2002. Ed.: R. Meersman, 1082–1099, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/3-540-36124-3_69
Mädche, A.
2002. Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management. 4th International Conference (PAKM) Vienna, Austria, December 2–3, 2002 Ed.: D. Karagiannis, 201–212, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/3-540-36277-0_19
Mädche, A.; Weiß, P.
2002. Collaborative Business Ecosystems and Virtual Enterprises (IFIP TC5 / WG5.5) 3rd IFIP Working Conference on Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE’02) Sesimbra, Portugal, May 1–3, 2002. Ed.: L. Camarinha-Matos, 201–208, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-35585-6_22
Mädche, A.; Motik, B.; Silva, N.; Volz, R.
2002. Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management : Ontologies and the SemanticWeb, Proceedings of the13th International Conference, EKAW 2002, Sigüenza, Spain, 1st - 4th October 2002. Ed.: A. Gómez-Pérez, 235–250, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/3-540-45810-7_23
Staab, S.; Erdmann, M.; Mädche, A.; Decker, S.
2002. Knowledge Media in Healthcare : Opportunities and Challenges. Ed.: R. Grütter, 234–253, IGI Global
Mädche, A.; Volz, R.
2001. International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), San Jose, USA, November 29 - December 2, 2001, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Handschuh, S.; Staab, S.; Mädche, A.
2001. 1st International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP), Victoria, Canada, October 21 - 23, 2001, 76–83, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/500737.500752
Mädche, A.; Stojanovic, N.; Staab, S.; Studer, R.; Sure, Y.
2001. 1st International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP); Victoria, BC; Canada; 21-23 October 2001, 155–162, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/500737.500762
Mädche, A.; Staab, S.
2001. Natural Language Processing and Information Systems. 5th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB), Versailles, France, June 28-30, 2000. Ed.: M. Bouzeghoub, 364, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/3-540-45399-7
Stumme, G.; Mädche, A.
2001. Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects (FMLDO), Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Foundations of Models for Information Integration, FMII-2001, Viterbo, Italy, 16th - 18th September 2001, 413–418
Mädche, A.; Hotho, A.; Wiese, M.
2000. 2nd International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK), Greenwich, UK, September 4-6, 2000. Ed.: Y. Kambayashi, 258–264, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/3-540-44466-1_25
Staab, S.; Mädche, A.
2000. ECAI 2000 : Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Workshop on Applications of Ontologies and Problem-Solving Methods, Berlin, Germany, 20th - 25th August 2000. Ed.: W. Horn, 1–16, IOS Press