![Kirsten Greiner Profilbild](/img/Kirsten_Greiner_Profilbild_rdax_230x210s.jpg)
M. Sc. Kirsten Greiner
- Doctoral Researcher
- Group: Information Systems I
- Office Hours: by appointment
- Room: 4C-03
- Phone: +49 721 608-41587
- kirsten greiner ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Information Systems (WIN)
Kaiserstraße 89
76133 Karlsruhe
Research Interests
- Emotions during Job-Search-/Recruiting-Process
- Emotion and Affect aware systems
- Human-Computer-Interaction
Short CV
Since 10.2022 |
Doctoral Researcher in the research group of "Information Systems I" at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
10.2018 - 03.2022 |
M. Sc. Information Systems, University of Hohenheim |
10.2015 - 09.2018 |
B. Sc. Information Systems, University of Stuttgart |
Internship and work experience at Robert Bosch GmbH, Mercedes Benz AG and KSB Pumps Inc. Canada.
Exchange Semester in Barcelona.
SoSe 2023, WiSe 2023/24, SoSe 2024, WiSe 2024/25 |
Teamproject Business & Technology |
Winter Semester 2023/24, Winter Semester 2024/25 |
Wirtschaftsinformatik I |
Thesis Offerings:
For current thesis offerings check https://h-lab.iism.kit.edu/thesis.php
If you are interested in one of my topics or want to discuss your own ideas, feel free to get in touch with me!
Designing a Smartwatch-based Micro-Intervention to Support Students Emotion Regulation
Greiner, K.; Müller, E.; Mädche, A.
2024. MuC ’24: Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2024. Ed.: A. Maedche; M. Beigl, 432–436, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3670653.3677520
Greiner, K.; Müller, E.; Mädche, A.
2024. MuC ’24: Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2024. Ed.: A. Maedche; M. Beigl, 432–436, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3670653.3677520
Annotating Affect in the Field: A Case Study on the Usability of a Minimalist Smartwatch User Interface for Affect Annotation
Schneegans, T.; Niclas, A.; Greiner, K.; Benke, I. Dr.; Mädche, A. Prof. Dr.; Beigl, M.
2023. Proceedings of the The 2nd EmpathiCH workshop (CHI2023)
Schneegans, T.; Niclas, A.; Greiner, K.; Benke, I. Dr.; Mädche, A. Prof. Dr.; Beigl, M.
2023. Proceedings of the The 2nd EmpathiCH workshop (CHI2023)